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A new family structure, named DINK is emerging nowadays, which, as a kind of trend, could be regarded as a new culture.

A new extrapolation multigrid method in solving large scale finite elemen system of equation is proposed, i. e. new extrapolation values of finite element solutions on the first two level grids are used to provide the good initial values on the third leve 摘要提出一种求解大规模有限元方程组的新外推多网格法,即用前两层网格上有限元的新外推值提供第3层细网格上的好初值,然后用几次CG-迭代能得到较准确的有限元解。
A new eye massage technique helps to accelerate blood circulation around eyes, relieve eye tiredness, diminish puffiness, eye bag and dark circle caused by tiredness. 特别为眼部而设的专业按摩手法,刺激眼部穴位,促进眼部的血液急淋巴循环,缓解眼部疲劳、减退因疲劳而引起的浮肿,眼袋及黑眼圈。
A new factory was established near my home. 我家附近新建了一家工厂。
A new family attraction operator, including theme park operator Merlin, is to emerge which will be a leading business of its type in Europe and the ninth biggest in the world, Lego said in a statement. 乐高公司在一份声明中指出,届时将会出现一家包括主题乐园经营者马林公司在内的新的家庭娱乐经营业者,该新公司将会成为在欧洲同业中规模数一数二、全球排名第九的家庭娱乐事业经营公司。
A new family has moved into the building where Lily lives. One of them is a girl about Lily's age. Lily runs into her in the stairwell one day. 一户新家庭拌进李莉所住的公寓,其中有一位是与李莉同年的女孩。一天,李莉在楼梯间偶然碰到新拌进来的女孩。
A new family structure, named DINK is emerging nowadays, which, as a kind of trend, could be regarded as a new culture. 摘要丁克家庭的出现是一个社会现象,它的发展体现了一种新兴的文化,它对中国社会产生的影响深远。
A new fast digital filter of on line eddy current testing system for decreasing the effect of high frequency noise was researched. 摘要针对涡流在线检测系统中的各种高频噪声影响,设计了快速去噪滤波算法。
A new federal-provincial discussion paper says credit-card issuing banks and cellphone firms are doing little to confound identity theft because their own losses from the crime are relatively small and they don't want to drive customers away by screening 一份新的联邦省府讨论文件指出,信用卡发行银行和手机公司在防止身份文件被人盗用方面几乎没有采取任何措施,因为这类犯罪行为给他们造成的经济损失并不大,他们不想对消费者审核太严而因此得罪消费者,失去赚钱的机会。
A new fidelity measurement criterion has been presented, which is based on the similarity degree of grayscale histogram between the original image and compressed image. 本文提出了利用灰度直方图的相似度作为评价重建图像质量的准则。
A new film will be on tomorrow. 明天上映新影片。
A new fireplace fixture was fixed in the wall. 新的壁炉的固定物被固定在墙上。

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