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Neuroscientists at the Universities of Michigan at Ann Arbor and Maryland injected saltwater into the jaw muscles of healthy young male volunteers to cause pain.

Neurons in the brainstem, which connects the brain with the spinal cord, produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepinephrine that keep some parts of the brain active while we are awake. 连接大脑和脊髓的脑干中的神经元产生的神经递子,如5-羟色胺和去甲肾上腺素,在清醒状态时维持着部分脑组织的活动。
Neuropathy is assessed by checking the foot pulses (dorsalis pedis and post-tibial). 神经病变可通过检查足动脉搏动(足背和胫骨后)进行评估。
Neurophones and similar (more advanced) technologies - Satellite or ground based. These can deliver aural harassment via microwaves or lasers aimed at the target. 脑听器以及类似的(更先进的)技术-卫星或地面为基础的。这些能传递听觉骚扰通过微波或激光对准目标。
Neurosciences on the Net is a searchable and browsable index of online neuroscience resources addressing neurobiology, neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, psychology, cognitive science sites and information on human neurological diseases. 线上神经科学:为一具搜寻引擎并对外开放的线上神经科学资源索引,涵盖神经生物学、神经学、神经外科、精神病学、心理学、认知科学等学门领域中相关的人类神经疾病资料。
Neuroscientists are cautious about assigning new prominence to glia too quickly, yet they are excited by the prospect that more than half the brain has gone largely unexplored and may contain a trove of information about how the mind works. 神经科学家虽然小心翼翼地不愿太快赋予神经胶细胞新的地位,但他们还是为其前景感到兴奋,因为脑有一半以上的区域一直都未经探索,而其中可能含有解开心智运作的宝贵资讯。
Neuroscientists at the Universities of Michigan at Ann Arbor and Maryland injected saltwater into the jaw muscles of healthy young male volunteers to cause pain. 美国安娜堡密西根大学及马里兰大学的神经科学家,把盐水注射到年轻男性志愿者的下巴肌肉以引起疼痛。
Neuroscientists have also identified unconscious memory systems that mediate emotional learning. 神经科学家也已经找到了调控情绪学习的无意识记忆系统。
Neuroscientists speculate that these aberrant cells not only end up in the wrong place but also remain immature, contributing to the miswiring of the brain that causes seizures. 神经科学家推测,这些异常的细胞不仅出现在不应该出现的地方,而且也不成熟,因而造成了脑部线路连结异常,导致癫痫发作。
Neurotic about punctuality. 过敏性的神经官能症的
Neurotransmitters are released from one neuron and attach to a receptor on another neuron. 神经传递素由一个神经元释放并由另一个神经元上的感应器接收。
Neurotransmitters are the brains chemical messengers, and specific neurotransmitters help to regulate mood. 神经传递素是大脑中的化学信使,特定神经传递素帮助调节情绪。

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