Separate your control keywords from the following opening bracket.
将控制流程的关键字与紧跟后面的括弧分开(加一空格)。 |
Separated as a Nazarite - yet tampering with evil associations, spiritual at times, yet under the power of carnal appetites, childish in his plans, yet courageous in battle, mighty in physical strength yet weak in resisting temptation had a sad end.
分别为拿细耳人-但却与恶为伍,有时属灵-但却沉迷于肉欲,他的计划幼稚-但却勇于战斗,他的力气非凡-但却弱于抗拒试探,以悲剧收场. |
Separately in China, authorities have ordered all researchers to hand in SARS samples as a precaution.
而在大陆方面,为了安全起见,中国政府要求所有研究人员上交非典病毒标本。 |
Separately speeking, for outward rivers in Cansu (either to the Yellow River or to the Yangtze River), the allocable water resources are mainly the river runoff and groundwater, the priority sequence of water resources allocation would be: the water use f
外流河流域的降水首先为当地的植被耗用,剩余的才形成可供开发的地表径流和地下水;水资源配置的顺序是:当地植被耗水,当地社会经济用水,最后形成干支流出境的径流供中下游地区使用。 |
Separately, Iraq's interior ministry charged 57 employees with torturing prisoners at a detention centre in Baghdad.
与此同时,伊内政部长对其57名部下在巴格达一所拘留中心的虐俘事件而负责。 |
Separately, Moscow announced Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov would visit Seoul next Tuesday for talks with his South Korean opposite number Han Myeong-Sook on the crisis.
另一方面,莫斯科宣布说,俄罗斯总理米哈伊尔-弗拉德科夫将于下周二访问首尔,与韩国总理韩明淑就此危机举行会谈。 |
Separates the odd and even scanlines of a video clip.
分开奇数和偶数视频片段的扫描行. |
Separating RFI from true signals from the sky is a persistent challenge for all radio-telescopic observations, including SETI.
将真实信号从频率干扰中分离出来是包括SETI在内的所有射电观测所面对的长期挑战。 |
Separating what the in loves of the two sides bring isn't happiness for concerning about, but the heartache of difficult speech.
分离两地的恋爱带来的不是牵挂的幸福,而是难言的心痛。 |
Separation and determination of phthalate esters by non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis and capillary liquid chromatography.
香豆素于毛细管电泳与毛细管液相层蟋分离机制探讨之研究。 |
Separation from her children was a terrible wrench.
同她的孩子们分别是一项很大的痛苦。 |