Tier 8 Rapture Requires 1 point in Lightwell Requires 35 points in Holy Talents Gives your Flash Heal and Greater Heal spells a 1/2/3/4/5% chance to cast an identical spell on each party member at no additional cost while your Lightwell is active.
全神贯注(5点)需要:1点光明之泉需要:35点神圣系天赋使光明之泉被激活时,你的快速治疗和强效治疗法术有1%/2%/3%/4%/5%的几率可以触发一次对所有小队成员的免费额外施法。 |
Tier 9 - Silencing Shot - A shot that deals 50% weapon damage and Silences the target for 3 sec.
沉默射击(还是昏迷)50%武器伤害并使目标静默3秒。 |
Tier 9 Aura of the Chosen Requires 5 points in Rapture Requires 40 points in Holy Talents Instant Light radiates from you, healing the friendly target and all party members within 30 yards for 1% of their total health every 2 seconds.
天选者光环(神圣系终极天赋)需要:5点全神贯注前置需要:40点神圣系天赋瞬发圣光从你身上散发而出,每2秒治疗友方目标及所有30码内队友总生命值的1%。 |
Tier 9 Pacify Requires 1 point in Power Infusion Requires 40 points in Discipline Talents 10% of base mana 30 yd range 1.5 sec cast 2 min cooldown Telepathically induce a state of pacifism, making the target unable to attack or use any offensive spells or
抚慰(戒律系终极天赋)需要:1点能量灌注前置需要:40点戒律系天赋10%基础法力值30码距离1.5秒施法时间2分钟冷却时间利用心灵感应达成宁静状态,使目标无法攻击或使用攻击性法术及技能,持续10秒。 |
Tieru told us that the eclipse was used to mark a child as the mother of the Demon Messiah.
蒂耶鲁告诉我们日蚀在一个婴儿身上留下了一个标记,这个婴儿日后将会成为魔鬼弥赛亚的母亲。 |
Ties a well spent penny that saves a great.
善花一便土,节约四便土。 |
Ties in scoring will be resolved on the basis of the time taken by each robot to complete the course.
如出现平分现象,将参考各个机器人完成任务的时间分出优劣。 |
Tieyi products manufacturing, and processing.
铁艺制品制造、加工。 |
Tiffany Hall appeared at an arraignment hearing through a video conference from the St.
她被指控杀死了一个她的正在怀孕中的朋友并将胎儿从其子宫里刨出。 |
Tiffany and her boyfriend, Sammy, are going to Sammy's family's house. They are in a gift shop looking for presents to give to his family.
蒂芬妮和男朋友山米要去山米家。他们在一家礼品店里挑选著要送给山米家人的礼物。 |
Tiffany's been harboring spite against our boss ever since her transfer was refused.
自从蒂芬妮的调职被拒绝后,她对我们的老板一直怀恨在心。 |