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To make matters worse, Japan's currency has surged as hedge funds have unwound their positions in the carry trade—where people borrow cheap yen to sell in order to invest in higher-yielding assets overseas.

To make it simple, the larger the diamond, the rarer it is (carat weight); the purer the diamond, the more valuable it is (clarity); the less color in a diamond, the more beautiful; and the more precise the cut of the diamond, the more brilliant it is. 简单说来,钻石越大,越珍贵(以克拉重量衡量);钻石越纯净,越珍贵(以净度衡量);钻石色泽越浅,越漂亮(以色泽衡量);钻石切割越精确,越能光泽熠熠(以切工衡量)。
To make known to the sons of men Your mighty acts And the glorious splendor of Your kingdom. 12好叫世人知道你大能的作为,并你国度的威荣。
To make known to the sons of men Your mighty acts And the glory of the majesty of Your kingdom. 诗145:12好叫世人知道你大能的作为、并你国度威严的荣耀。
To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. 12好叫世人知道你大能的作为,并你国度威严的荣耀。
To make matters worse, India is right behind China in stepping up its construction of coal-fired power plants — and has a population expected to outstrip China''s by 2030. 更糟的是,印度逐渐增加其火电厂的数目,紧随中国之后。预计2030年,其人口将超过中国。
To make matters worse, Japan's currency has surged as hedge funds have unwound their positions in the carry trade—where people borrow cheap yen to sell in order to invest in higher-yielding assets overseas. 雪上加霜的是,随着对冲基金解除套息交易的头寸,日圆大幅上涨(套息交易——低息借入日圆并兑换成其它货币,以此来投资海外的高收益资产)。
To make matters worse, Vodafone underinvested in its Japanese 3G network, so coverage was poor. 更糟糕的是,沃达丰对自己在日本的3G网络建设投资不足,使得他们公司的手机信号很不理想。
To make matters worse, he left his briefcase on the train. 更糟的是,他把手提箱留在火车上了。
To make matters worse, her father's lawyer, Beck is following her. 更糟的是,她父亲的律师贝克正在对她进行跟踪。
To make matters worse, the findings come from telephone interviews the researcher conducted with reference customers plucked off of Siebel's Web site. 更糟糕的是,研究人员是与从赛贝尔公司的网站上找到推荐用户,并对他们进行电话采访得到以上结论的。
To make matters worse, the wine glut has spread to the New World this year too, casting a cloud over the global wine industry. 糟糕的是葡萄酒供过于求的情况也在今年突显出来,全球葡萄酒业也因此蒙上一层阴暗的面纱。

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