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Paleocene The oldest epoch of the Tertiary, 65-55million yesrs ago.

Pale violet on the other hand is a form of erasure that allows pain, programming and machinery to be transmuted. 另一方面,浅紫色是擦除的方式,容许痛苦、程式和机械被改变。
Pale wine. A red wine of a pale colour, almost rose. 洋葱皮色:一些红葡萄酒在氧化过程中所产生的浅茶色。
Pale yellow PVC doors are gentle and calm, annotates the warmth and happiness of a cozy home. 浅黄色的PVC门板,在岁月如歌的日子里,以一种完全自我的方式,诠释和谐家庭的温馨与甜蜜。
Pale yellow with green lights.firm with green apple and lime flavors.spicy notes on the finish. 商品描述:色泽淡黄泛青,口感呈苹果和柠檬香,回味浓烈.
Pale-dark green, variable texture, round, serrated on most clones. 大部分的后代都有淡到深绿色叶,变异时的纹理,圆叶,锯齿叶缘。
Paleocene The oldest epoch of the Tertiary, 65-55million yesrs ago. 古新世:第三纪最古的年代,6500万~5500万年前。
Paleocons and populists dislike his enthusiasm for immigration. 老保守派和民粹人士厌恶他对移民事务的款款热忱。
Paleocontinental margins and rifts within paleocontinents are very favorable places for the distribution of Precambrian mineral deposits in China. 而陆块边缘和陆块内部裂谷是前寒武纪矿床产出的十分有利的空间。
Paleogeographic data suggest the first occurrence of the Taihangshan gravity lineament was initially formed during the Early Cretaceous, which is coeval with the peak of Mesozoic magmatism in this region. 岩相古地理分析说明太行山重力梯度带的雏形形成于早白垩世,与华北中生代岩浆活动的高峰相吻合。
Paleogeomorphology framework is controlled by regional tectonic movement change, and it has impact on sedimentary ratio change, sedimentary center transference, and sediment preservation, at the same time, paleogeomorphology framework restricts the types 古地貌格局的变化受控于区域构造运动变化,影响着沉积速率变化、沉积中心迁移及沉积物保存,制约着塔中地区的沉积相类型及沉积相带的平面展布。
Paleolithic man could only make the most basic stone tools. 旧石器时代的人类只能制造最简单的石器。

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