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Decline the probability of occurrence traffic accident to lowest of most valid one of the measures is to educate people and obey the whole traffic regulationses.

Declare your apartment an independent nation, and sue your neighbors upstairs for″violating your airspace″. 宣布你的公寓是一个独立的国家,并指控你楼上的邻居“侵犯了你的领空”。
Declaring that he was opposed to using this unusual animal husbandry technique to clone humans,he ordered that federal funds not be used for such an experiment—although no one had proposed to do so—and asked an independent panel of experts chaired by Prin 他宣称反对利用这种非同寻常的畜牧业技术去克隆人,并下令禁止使用联邦资金做这样的实验——尽管还没有人提议要那样做——并责成成立一个由普林斯顿大学校长哈罗德·夏皮罗为首的独立专家小组,在90天内拿出有关克隆人的国家政策的建议,向白宫汇报。
Declension means varying the forms of nouns, pronouns and adjectives in a sentence. 变格是指名词、代词和形容词在句中的形式变化。
Declination of a Planet is his distance from the Equator, and as he declines from thence either Northward or Southward, so is his declination nominated either North or South. 星体以赤道为座标的纬度。同样地,观测星体落在赤道南边或北边,以及如何运行。
Decline the invitation,but instead insist that one of your players appear on the show with your PR Coordinator. 下降邀请,但是反而坚持,一个您的球员出现在展示与您的PR协调员。
Decline the probability of occurrence traffic accident to lowest of most valid one of the measures is to educate people and obey the whole traffic regulationses. 将发生车祸的机率降到最低的最有效措施之一就是教育人们要遵守一切交通规则.
Declining real wages and a modest upswing in productivity have together produced a sustained drop in unit labour costs. 实际工资下滑和生产力轻度上扬同时造成了单位劳动力成本持续下降。
Declining requests from others in an arrogant manner. 以傲慢的态度拒绝他人的要求。
Decliningissues beat out advancers by a 3 to 1 basis on the New York StockExchange, where volume came to a light 304.2 million shares. 下降的问题,打败了尾声,3比1的基础上,在纽约证券交易所,下跌了一辆轻型304.2万股.
Decommissioning of a public utility electricity power plant. 解除公用事业设施─发电厂的运作。
Decomposing a simple polygon into convex cell is one of elementary problems of computational geometry. 摘要简单多边形凸单元剖分是计算几何的基本问题之一,剖分算法在许多领域均有较广泛的应用。

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