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The Assyrian empire collapsed in 612 B.C.

The Association is committed to providing the members with promising business opportunities, up-to-the-minute information, most useful consulting and high quality services. 协会为每个会员提供成功的商机、快捷的信息、有益的咨询、优质的服务。
The Association now have over 100 of individual and institutional members, including parents, teachers, principals, librarians, schools and publishers. 本会多年来有超过一百六十名个人与团体会员,其中包括教师、家长、校长、图书馆管理员、大专学生和出版业人士。
The Association of American Medical Colleges publishes a book called Medical School Admissions Requirements. 美国医学院联合会出版了一本书《医学院入学须知》。
The Association of Chief Police Officers also made radical proposals to allow terrorism suspects to be held for questioning for up to three months rather than the current maximum of 14 days. 警察联合会提出一个根本性的建议,允许恐怖嫌疑犯被审询时间由过去的14天延长至3个月。
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was established in 1967 in Bangkok. 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)是1967年在曼谷建立的。
The Assyrian empire collapsed in 612 B.C. 亚述帝国在公元前612年崩溃。
The Assyrian missionaries had reached China in the sixth century. 亚述传教士在六世纪到达中国。
The Assyrian people survived the loss of their state, and they remained mostly inconspicuous for the next 600 years. 亚述人丧失了他们的城邦却生存了下来,他们毫不引人注意的残存了以后的600年。
The Assyrian versions of the winged disc sometimes have the kingly figure inside the disc, and others have him arising from within the disc in a design that is very close to the Faravahar as it appears in Persian art. 有翼的圆盘在亚述人的译本上有时是在圆盘里面拥有君主的特征,其他的是他从圆盘里面提升起来,与出现在波斯艺术的法拉瓦哈非常接近。
The Astor money, more than $120m by the time it was Brooke's to disburse, was old, from New York land and the fur trade. 阿斯特尔家族的财产大都来源于过去位于纽约的地产收入和毛皮生意,其中超过1.2亿美圆可供布洛克自由支配。
The Asuras - Goodlooking, desire for lust and greed and power. They are almost equilvalent to the fallen angels. 阿修罗——很好看,代表强烈的性欲,贪婪和权力。他们几乎等同于堕落天使。

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