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Languages develop continually through usage.

Language:Greek is the official language, French and English are also widely used. 语言:希腊语为官方语言。法语和英语也通用。
Language:The official Language is English, Chamorro and Carolinian. 语言:官方语言为英语、查莫罗语和加罗林语。
Languages are more bridges linking up our souls than tool of spreading information. 语言是传播的工具,更是我们心灵沟通的桥梁.
Languages come easily to some people. 有些人能够很容易地掌握语言。
Languages develop continually through usage. 语言在使用中不断发展。
Languages develop continually through usage. 语言在使用中不断发展.
Languages in the New Guinea turn out to be the most complicated, though the population of which only account for 0.1% of the total number of the world, the language types make up 1/6 of the world languages. 语言最繁复的地方应属新几内亚岛,这个巴布亚新几内亚和印尼的伊利安加雅州重叠的地带,人口只占全球的0.1%,语言总数却是全球的1/6。
Languages with both two and three letter codes are provided with only the two letter code. 用两个字母或三个字母都可以表示的语言,就用两个字母为代表。
Languages: Czech is the official language, Slovak is also spoken. 语言:捷克语为官方语言,斯洛伐克语也通用。
Languages: It is possible to participate in JOTI by contacting others who share your language; if one is communicating in another language, one can use off-linetime to more carefully compose messages. 语文交流:参加JOTI可以和其他国家的童军作语言或文字交流,如果你用外语和其他伙伴通讯,更可以利用空閒的时间整理相关的信息,增进语文能力。
Languages: Officially Arabic and French, however the majority speaks Comoran. 语言:法语和阿拉伯语为官方语言,通用近似斯瓦希里语的科摩罗语。

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