The ruling was not fair to everyone.
这项裁决并非对每人都公正. |
The ruling will spur local insurance companies to accelerate the creation of their own fund management subsidiaries, both to manage premium income but also to prepare themselves to compete for mandates to run pension monies in the future.
这一规定将刺激中国本地保险公司加速建立自己的基金管理子公司,既可用来管理保费收入,也可为将来竞争养老金管理权做好准备。 |
The ruling would open a floodgate for pregnant mainlanders to come to Hong Kong.
是次判决或会引发大陆孕母偷渡潮。 |
The rum is 30% below proof.
朗姆酒低于标准度数30%. |
The rum is 30% below proof.
朗姆酒低於标准度数30%. |
The rumba is a Latin-American dance.
伦巴舞是拉丁美洲的舞蹈. |
The rumble of the Hoh River in the distance. A winter wren's trill. The chattering of a Douglas squirrel.
霍河在远方发出低沈的声响。鹪鹩正在鸣啭。道格拉斯松鼠发出吱吱叫声。 |
The rumor had no basis.
那谣言没有·根据。 |
The rumor is confirmed.
谣传被证实了。 |
The rumor of Akimitsu's discovery started a frantic and wonderful time for us and for other research groups.
秋光纯发现新超导体的传闻,为我们及其他研究团队带来一段狂热且美好的时光。 |
The rumor that Patty is pregnant is spreading around.
(佩蒂怀孕的谣言满天飞。) |