There are drastic changes in Physics Textbook.
物理教材的变革,给师生提供了很多教学的素材,丰富的生活实例,真正体现了物理来源于生活。 |
There are eight types of corrosions in materials used for nuclear powerplant. They are uniform corrosion,radiation corrosion,crevice corrosion,interg-ranular corrosion,stress corrosion,pitting corrosion,couple corrosion and cor-rosion fatigue.
核电站中的腐蚀可分为八种类型,它们是一般腐蚀、辐照腐蚀、小孔腐蚀、电偶腐蚀、缝隙腐蚀、晶间腐蚀、应力腐蚀和疲劳腐蚀。 |
There are factors of natural worship and fetish worship in the lion worship of China, but there is no factor of totem worship.
中国狮崇拜中有自然崇拜和灵物崇拜的成分,但是没有图腾崇拜的因素。 |
There are fresh features such as nonindependence,transit trade,opium trade and smuggle in the modern border trade regional circle.
在这个区域性贸易圈中,具有不自主性、转口贸易、畸形鸦片过境贸易和贸易量偏低等特点。 |
There are many benefits of carry out health-promoting tourism: it adopt the mode of integrated health stratagem and hearten the public participate (policy);
推动健康促进旅游的益处有:采用整体健康的模式和促使公众参与(政策); |
There are no fossils in the core 8KL because it is below the CCD.
8kL所处水深位于碳酸盐补偿深度(CCD)以下,岩芯中无化石保存。 |
There are not magnificent difference of ratio of full-tube between the thatched cottage and free room, which is 7. % and .7% respectively.
草房与空房之间的满管率无显著差异,分别为 7. %和 .7%; |
There are now five known somatostatin receptors (SSTR~SSTR), SSTR is predominantly expressed in a majority tumors, and SSTR is the primary subtype in halting cancer cells' growth.
目前已克隆出SSTR家族中的种受体亚型(SSTR~SSTR),在人类原发肿瘤组织中以SSTR和SSTR表达为主,而SSTR又是介导抗肿瘤作用的主要亚型 |
There are results following. The grade of clinical symptoms falled gradually in treated group(P<0.00). 0 of them showed significant improvement(.7%),8 of them had response(.7%)and the rest cases were futile(.7%).
研究结果表明:试验组中医症状总评分逐渐降低(P<0.00),显效0例(.7%),有效8例(.7%),无效例(.7%),有效率9 . %; |
There are several problems in leading obligation mechanism, educational preventive mechanism, supervise restrictive mechanism, encourage and penance mechanism.
第三,监察机制不完善,在领导责任机制、教育预防机制、监督约束机制、奖励惩戒机制等方面存在诸多问题。 |
There are some common in theirs.
同时,股权与债权也有某些共同的属性。 |