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German engineer Karl Jatho flew with his self-made motored gliding airplane, four months before the first flight of the Wright Brothers.

German chemist. He shared a1950 Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning the structure of organic matter. 阿尔德,库尔特1902-1958德国化学家,因其有关有机物结构的发现而获1950年的诺贝尔奖
German chemist. He won a1918 Nobel Prize for the synthetic production of ammonia . 氨气、煤焦油、焦煤都是煤气生产过程中的副产品.
German chemist. He won a1918 Nobel Prize for the synthetic production of ammonia. 哈伯,弗里兹1868-1934德国化学家,他因化学合成氨而获1918年诺贝尔奖
German composer known especially for his violin pieces, including Violin Concerto in G Minor (1868). 布鲁赫,马克斯·卡尔·奥古斯特:(1838-1920)德国作曲家,擅写小提琴曲,包括《G小调第一提琴协奏曲》(1868年)。
German diaphragm pump and imported accessories,high quality and reliale . 采用德国优质膜片泵等进口无器件,品质精良,稳定可靠。
German engineer Karl Jatho flew with his self-made motored gliding airplane, four months before the first flight of the Wright Brothers. 1903年8月18日,德国工程师卡尔驾驶自制机动滑翔飞机上天,比莱特兄弟第一次试飞早了四个月。
German engineer and pioneer automobile manufacturer who produced the first high-speed internal-combustion engine(1885). 戴姆勒,戈特利布1834-1900德国工程师和汽车制造业先驱,他研制出第一台高速内燃机(1885年)
German geophysicist, meteorologist, and explorer who proposed the theory of continental drift. 韦格纳,阿尔弗烈德·洛泰1880-1930德国地球物理学家、气象学家和探险家,他提出了大陆漂移理论
German group, aviation of Lufthansa, Berlin establish formally in Germany on 1926. Today, Lufthansa has already developed into global aviation industry's leader and successful aviation group. 德国汉莎航空集团于1926年在德国柏林正式成立。今天,汉莎已发展成为全球航空业领导者和成功的航空集团。
German growers are also leaning more towards red grapes, though they favour the more traditional pinot noir and dornfelder varieties over merlot and cabernet sauvignon. 德国的种植者们也开始了解更多的红葡萄品种,尽管他们对传统的黑皮诺和丹菲特的喜爱胜过梅洛和赤霞珠。
German has three genders. 德语中有三性。

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