Most XP projects don't have reams of printed UML diagrams, although there may be a brief design overview document.nbspthat contains a few simple diagrams to show canonical class relationships in the system.
尽管会有一些包含系统中主要类关系的简明概要设计文档,大多数项目并没有大量打印出来的图表。 |
Most XPers are fluent in UML, and periodically draw UML diagrams on marker boards to work out design issues.
大部分开发人员对很熟悉并且随时地在记事板上画一些图表以便能够想出更好的设计方案。 |
Most XSL-FO processors can output PDF documents and quality print, as well as HTML and other formats.
大多数XSL-FO处理器可以输出PDF文档,并进行高质量的打印,当然还可输出HTML等其他形式的文件。 |
Most abbreviations used in this book are expanded at first use. For convenience, we have also provided a glossary in an appendix.
本书所使用的大部分缩写词,在第一次使用时都将给出全称。为方便起见,我们在附录中还提供了术语表。 |
Most accidents occur among kids trying to set off home-made fireworks or reignite misfired6 rockets and firecrackers, according to Cees Meyer of the Consumer Safety Association.
根据消费者安全协会的西梅尔说,大部份的意外事件都是因为孩子玩自制的鞭炮,或是点燃熄了火的冲天炮与鞭炮所引起的。 |
Most adults, when they fall down (figuratively speaking), make a big deal out of it and don't even make a second attempt.
大多数成年人一旦“摔倒”了,就觉得不得了了,也不再努力了。 |
Most advanced Explosion-proof Vulcanizer in China.Main features are:light weight,easy to operate,safe and reliable.Used to connect and vulcanize Canvas,Nylon and Cable in coal-mines where exist methane,coal-dust or other explosive-gas mixture.
本产品适合于煤矿井下及具有甲烷或煤尘爆炸危险性混合物场所胶接帆布、尼龙和钢绳芯胶带接头之用,具有重量轻、操作方便、工作安全、可靠,是国内最先进的防爆硫化器。 |
Most advertisements work through suggestion.
广告多通过启发人的联想力而发挥作用. |
Most agreed that the rundown was the turning point.
大多数的人都同意这是扭转战局的关键点。 |
Most air space-heating systems also preheat domestic hot water through an air-to-liquid heat exchanger.
大部分空气空间—加热系统也会通过气水热交换器预加热家庭里的热水。 |
Most alarmed hae been people who see embryos as fully ested, ulnerable members of society, and who decry the haresting of cells from embryos as akin to cannibalism.
很多警觉人士认为胚胎是社会中具有全部职能而又无自我保护能力的成员,他们谴责那些从胚胎中收集细胞的行为,无异于手足相残。 |