Indeed, fossil plants and animals have confirmed the existence of short-lived connections with the ocean.
事实上,动植物的化石也证实了亚马逊河流域与海洋有短暂的连接。 |
Indeed, friendship is the happy outcome of forgiveness, and the nectar of forgiveness lies at the root of noble virtues like gratitude, humility and friendship.
确实,友谊是由宽恕产生的快乐,宽恕的甘酿出自类似感激、谦卑和友谊这样神圣的美德。 |
Indeed, heated arguments about the most appropriate form of reading instruction continue to polarize the teaching community.
确实如此,「最合适的阅读教学法」已成为热烈辩论的议题,教师因此而分化成了对立的阵营。 |
Indeed, her good looks - last year the French edition of FHM magazine voted her the sixth sexiest woman in the world, a mere two places behind Angelina Jolie - and immaculate dress sense have been criticised by her opponents, who suggest that they are the
的确,由于她长相出众,去年法国版FHM杂志选她为世上第六性感的女性,只小输安琪莉娜裘莉两名,她的政治对手则批评她穿衣风格无懈可击,意指这是她能走这麽远的唯一理由。 |
Indeed, his early commitment has waned as the new money has gushed in, leaving Russia precariously dependent on the oil price.
事实上,随着新的资金大量投入,他先前所作的承诺已经被他逐渐淡忘了,这使得俄罗斯的经济得依赖于不稳定的油价。 |
Indeed, if many investors abjure the listing, those who hold their noses and take the plunge might make even more money.
当然,如果许多投资人放弃购买该公司的股份,那些铤而走险的人也许真的会赚更多的钱。 |
Indeed, if these regions raised consumption to match that of industrial countries, human appropriation of NPP could rise to more than 35 percent.
而事实上,如果这些开发中国家的消耗量跟工业国家一样,全球人类消耗的NPP比率将超过35%。 |
Indeed, if your company is a fast-growing business with steady profits, going publicis an excellent way to make those 16-hour workdays, vacationless years, and shoestring operations pay off.
事实上,如果你的公司以稳定利润迅速发展,那么公司上市是一个让16小时工作日、没有假期的年度和小资金运营一去不复返的好方法。 |
Indeed, immediately after the victory, Juve chief Alessio Secco sought out Zalayeta's agent, Paco Casal, to assure him the forward was a required player for the rest of this season.
确实,这场胜利之后,尤文体育经理阿莱西奥·塞科已经联系了萨拉耶塔的经纪人卡萨尔,向他保证在这个特殊的赛季,萨拉耶塔是球队必需的球员. |
Indeed, in one pre-race test Sandstorm drove 57 miles at speeds up to 35 mph without incident.
的确,在赛前的一次测试当中,沙尘暴以最高56公里的时速驾驶了91.7公里而没有发生任何意外。 |
Indeed, in recent years Thailand has conspicuously tried to present itself as the Detroit of Asia.
确实,近几年来泰国很明显的试图使自己成为“亚洲的底特律”。 |