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Even death cannot take away your joyful dance, happy tears, purity, serenity, sedateness and ecstasy.

Even confronting the self in its totality. 甚至在它的总体中,遭遇自我。
Even consumer electronics is affected—the Global Positioning System must allow for time dilation, which alters the rates of clocks on its orbiting satellites. 即使消费性电子商品也受到影响,例如全球定位系统必须考虑时间延滞,以修正人造卫星上时钟的速度。
Even crew cuts are acceptable. 即使是船员发型也可以。
Even critics have found it hard to fault. 即使是批评者也发现很难找到它的缺点。
Even dating back to the first days of Spring Training, rumors of a possible Rocket relaunch in New York were commonplace. 即使是春训之后的那次碰面,谣言就不断的流传著火箭人会再度升空,并降落在纽约。
Even death cannot take away your joyful dance, happy tears, purity, serenity, sedateness and ecstasy. 即使死亡也无法带走你的欢舞,你欢乐的泪水,你自身的纯洁,你的宁静,你的安详,你的狂喜。
Even death cannot take away your joyful tears, purity, serenity, sedateness and ecstasy. 即使死亡也无法带走你的欢舞,你欢乐的泪水,你自身的纯洁,你的宁静,你的安详,你的狂喜。
Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent-and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance-have jumped eightfold in just one generation. 甚至人口分布的数据也与中产阶级家庭作对,因为家中有一位体弱高龄的父亲或母亲的可能性在仅仅一代人的时间里增加了8倍,照顾家中的老人就需要体力和财力的付出。
Even despite the winning and the smiles, Iverson's critics are omnipresent. 然后胜利和微笑似乎总是不够,你总能听到对艾弗森的指责。
Even drug companies are involved. 现在连制药公司也加入。
Even drunk, most of us can be savvy enough to know that the momentary adrenaline that may come from said hookup isn't worth the long-term damage that comes later. 因为,就算醉了,我们大多数人还是知道这里说讲的勾搭上的时候而暂时拥有的肾上腺素并不值得事后为之付出长期的损害。

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