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The study of immunology changes of varicocele in children

The studies on pharmacokinetics of paeoniflorin in rabbits and rats 芍药甙在兔和大鼠体内的药动学研究
The study of P53 gene mutation and protein expresion in relation with the development and prognosis of colorectal carcinoma P53基因突变及蛋白表达与大肠癌发生及预后关系探讨
The study of SLE associated peptide by phage-display random 15 amino acid peptide library 利用噬菌体随机15肽库确定SLE相关多肽的研究
The study of cell immunology and rIL 2 treatment in murine CVB3m myocarditis 小鼠急性CVB_(3m)心肌炎细胞免疫改变及rIL-2免疫干预的研究
The study of cytokines in peripheral blood of patients with cerebral infarction 脑梗塞患者周围血细胞因子研究
The study of immunology changes of varicocele in children 小儿精索静脉曲张免疫学变化的初步研究
The study of pharmacokinetics of intact monoclonal antibody and its Fregment F(ab')_2 in mice 单克隆抗体及F(ab′)_2片段在小鼠体内的药物动力学研究
The study of pharmacokinetics of salbutamol in dogs 沙丁胺醇在家犬体内药代动力学研究
The study of the magnetic field in 3 kA neodymium electrolysis cell 3kA钕电解槽磁场的研究
The study of ulcerative colitis, serum immunology and active change of SOD 溃疡性结肠炎血清免疫学及SOD活性变化
The study on polymorphism of DNA repair genes,smoking and DNA damagein a sample of healthy subjects 健康人群吸烟、DNA损伤与DNA修复基因多态研究

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