Most everybody has heard of famous Australians Nicole Kidman and Mel Gibson. But have you heard of these other stars from “Down Under”?
大多数人都听说过澳大利亚的著名影星妮可·基德曼和梅尔·吉布森。但你有没有听说过来自澳洲的其他影星? |
Most executives obliged but their generosity came at a price: analysts on the receiving end of executives' favours were less likely to downgrade a company as a result of poor earnings or a risky acquisition.
多数首席执行官会答应这些请求,但这种慷慨的价码很高:如果公司业绩逊色,或进行了一宗风险较高的并购交易,接受帮忙的分析师将不太可能调降该公司的评级。 |
Most existing vaccines elicit a targeted antibody response, but safely activating cellular immunity against many infectious diseases remains a challenging task.
多数现存疫苗所引发的是特定抗体反应,至于想要安全活化细胞免疫,来对抗许多传染病,目前还是一项挑战。 |
Most existing web applications can be rewritten to use AJAX technology instead of traditional HTML forms.
大多数现存的网络应用程序可以用AJAX进行重新编写以取代传统的超文本标记语言方式。 |
Most experts expect declining home sales to slow the economy in the near future.
许多专家预计,房子销售下降,近期经济减缓。 |
Most experts in IFIs and elsewhere believe the for profit sector must play a role.
世界财务机构和其他一些地方的很多专家都认为获利区域应该有其一席之地。 |
Most eye-catching is that here will gather a contingent of top-class neurosurgeons from all over the world so that our patients could enjoy the best possible medical service in the world while staying at home.
最为引人注目的是这里有世界一流神经外科专家组成的团队,可以让我们的病人在国内就享受到世界上最好的医疗服务。 |
Most factories during this season are working over-time in preparation for the long Chinese New Year holiday.
大部分的工厂都在加班工作为即将到来的春节做准备。 |
Most families take their beautiful collection of dolls out of the closet around mid-February and put it away again as soon as Hina Matsuri is over.
大多数家庭在二月中旬左右就把他们收集的美丽玩偶拿出橱柜,结束后再立即放起来。 |
Most families went through a lot during the war.
大多数家庭在战争期间经历了很多的苦。 |
Most famously, industry leaders expected people to embrace videotelephony, which flopped, but failed to anticipate the success of text-messaging.
大多数一线厂商希望消费者拥护视频手机,遗憾的是它并没有像短讯那样成功赢得市场。 |