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Charlotte: I just know no matter how good I feel about myself, if I see Christy Turlington, I just want to give up!

Charlotte de Fraiture, a Colombo-based scientist with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), said in an interview that she did not see a lot of potential for biofuel production in either China or India because of the water. 国际水管理研究所设在科伦坡的科学家,在一次采访中说到,由于水的问题她不认为中国或印度在生物燃料生产上有太多的潜力。
Charlotte had a 71-68 lead with 11:45 to play when the Timberwolves used a flurry of 3-pointers to beat the Hornets' zone defense and take over the game in a 1:02 span. 比赛上馀11分38秒的时候,夏洛特(黄蜂队)还以71比68超前;灰狼队在接下来的62秒内,以一连串的三分球瓦解了黄蜂队的区域联防阵势,后来居上。
Charlotte's Web is a children‘s book that I read many many years ago. 讲述一个童话故事或小的时候读过的书,似乎是很难的一张卡片。
Charlotte: Do you want a friend, Wilbur? I'll be a friend to you. I've watched you all day and I like you. 夏洛:你想要有一位朋友吗,威伯?我来做你的朋友吧。我观察你一整天了,我喜欢你。
Charlotte: How can you forget a guy you've slept with? 你怎么可以把和你睡过的男人忘记呢?
Charlotte: I just know no matter how good I feel about myself, if I see Christy Turlington, I just want to give up! 夏绿蒂:无论我觉得自己有多美.一旦超级名模克莉丝蒂出现.我便无地自容!
Charlotte: I'm right up here. Go to sleep. You'll see me in the morning. 夏洛:我就在这上边。睡觉吧,早上你会看到我的。
Charlotte: In some cultures, heavy women with mustaches are considered beautiful. 夏绿蒂:在某些文化的审美观点.高大壮硕带有胡须的才是美女.
Charlotte: Nobody ever tells you that. 从没听人这么说过。
Charlotte: Well, yeah, you know men. They can never say, I was wrong.They just send flowers. 是啊,你知道男人。他们从来不会说“我错了”。他们只会送花。
Charlton boss Ian Dowie is the second opposition manager in a week to extol United's Premiership title chances. 本周内,查尔顿主教练道伊是第二个宣扬曼联有机会夺取英超冠军的对手教练。

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