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Both of the brothers are dead.

Both of my parents like riding. 我的双亲都喜爱骑马。
Both of our brand and service earn high repute and our products are widely used in all different projects. 丽娜品牌形象深入民心,专业服务赢得赞赏﹔产品不单深受用户欢迎,且被全国各大小工程广泛采用。
Both of substation automation technology and unmanned operation mode are the hot topics in the field of dispatching automation of electric power system in China. 综述了国内变电站自动化技术的发展现状,总结了变电站自动化系统的设计原则、工作模式,提出了变电站自动化技术和运行模式的发展策略。
Both of the Wolves are speechless. Black Cat Cop sends them to jail. 狼和狈再也无话可说,黑猫警官将他们送进监狱。
Both of the boys are good at singing. 这两个男孩都擅长唱歌。
Both of the brothers are dead. 兄弟两人都/皆死了。
Both of the concepts of space and time are illusions. 时间和空间的概念都是幻象。
Both of the experiments proved effective, moreover the latter would be better since the stable isotope is harmless. 结果指出,两种方法是等效的,由于稳定同位素对人体无害,因而后者更有应用前景。
Both of the girls are students. 这两个女孩都是学生。
Both of the methods are not practical. 这两种方法并不都实用。(即只有一种方法是实用的。)
Both of the numerical experiments of test model data and industrial data have confirmed the accuracy and robust of our algorithm. 采用模拟数据与真实数据进行的数值试验均表明:计算结果精确可靠,抗干扰性强。

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