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Few associate America with limping productivity.

Few animals can exist in the frozen wastes of the Arctic. 几乎没有动物能在北极洲冰封的荒芜地区生存。
Few are as surreal as this: the smart gates of a religious primary school that abuts a neon-lit townhouse, in the doorway of which dances a hostess clad in hot pants, a hat and very little else. 没有什么比这更难以置信了----宗教小学精巧的校门毗邻霓虹灯闪烁的市政厅,其门口有一位舞女,穿着热裤,戴顶帽子,别的衣物几乎为零。
Few are convinced by Musharraf's explanation for his firing of the Chief Justice; many people believe that Chaudhry was suspended for his independence of mind—in particular, for blocking the sale of a state-owned steel mill, from which some government off 几乎没人相信穆沙拉夫就解除首席大法官一事所作出的解释,众人反而认为乔杜里被解职是因为他坚持司法独立性,特别是在反对出售一家国有钢厂这点上,他得罪了当局,传言部分官员意图趁此(交易)牟取私利。
Few are covered in this chapter. 很少的在这一个章节中被复盖。
Few artists have bridged opera and the Muppets with elegance and charm. 很少有艺术家可以把歌剧和木偶剧优雅迷人的联系起来。
Few associate America with limping productivity. 几乎没有人会联想到美国疲软的生产率。
Few astronomical sights excite the imagination like the nearby stellar nursery known as the Orion Nebula. 很少有天文景观能像这个邻近的星星育婴房-著名的猎户座星云-激发著人类的想像力。
Few audiences that see Vanessa-Mae give a 1)live performance have any objections. More often they are left 2)awestruck, 3)roaring for an 4)encore. 看过陈美现场演奏的听众很少人会不以为然。他们大多是感到震慑,大声叫着安可。
Few beings have ever been as powerful in both the priestly and wizardly forms of magic as the young girl from the circus. 瓦罗彻普:很少人能够有像这位从马戏团来的年轻女孩,同时拥有这么强大的神术和法术。
Few beings in the history of the Realms have become as powerful in both priestly and wizardly magics as this innocent elf. 在这个国度的历史上很少有人能够像这个天真无邪的精灵,同时拥有这么强大的神术和法术。
Few black children today bother to humiliate themselves like this. 翻译:今天,几乎没有黑人孩子为像这样让他们丢人的事情而烦恼。

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