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Based on the experience of building dioxin analysis lab at Tsinghua University, the lab designs were discussed for the reference of future dioxin analysis lab construction in our country, including planar design, air conditioner and ventilation piping sys

Based on the existing neural network fault diagnosis methods, a new on-line fault diagnosis method using the recurrent neural network with deviation error units is presented, the fault samples and coding are designed. 在现有神经网络故障诊断方法基础上,提出了一种基于带有偏差单元递归神经网络的在线故障诊断方法,设计了相应的故障样本和故障编码。
Based on the existing state of printing-dye industrial wastewater treatment projects,this paper put forward that attention should be paid to the process design of projects.Analysis and discussion were made on the three points to be considered in the desig 结合印染工业废水处理工程现状,提出应重视印染废水处理工程的工艺设计,分析讨论了在印染工业废水处理工程设计中要引起注意的三个方面问题。
Based on the expatiation of the meaning of risk, risk management and the relationship between internal audit and risk management, the essay discusses the motivations and effects of internal audit's participation of risk mgt, and also concerns on how it pa 本文在阐述了风险、风险管理的涵义及内部审计与风险管理关系的基础上,对内部审计参与风险管理的动因、作用,以及内部审计如何参与风险管理进行了探讨。
Based on the expectation disconfirmation theory and measuring theory, through empirical study, using the factor analysis method, a quantitative analysis of the factors that influence the degree of customer satisfaction with domestic tourism of travel agen 摘要基于预期不确认理论和服务质量衡量理论,在实证研究的基础上,运用因子分析法对旅行社国内游游客满意度的影响因素进行了量化分析,并提出了相应的改进对策。
Based on the experience in developing the large scale data-base Jiangsu Culture, this paper explores the construction, subject choosing, investigation, organization of databases and then expounds upon the application of TRS system in database development. 论文根据《江苏文化》大型数据库群建设的经验和体会,对数字资源库的结构、选题、调研、策划组织作了较深入的探讨,并讨论了数字资源建设中TRS全文数据库软件的应用问题。
Based on the experience of building dioxin analysis lab at Tsinghua University, the lab designs were discussed for the reference of future dioxin analysis lab construction in our country, including planar design, air conditioner and ventilation piping sys 根据清华大学二恶英分析实验室建设的实践经验,提出实验室平面布局、空调通风系统设置、电气自控系统设置、配电、防火安全卫生、实验室装修以及主仪器安装的设计方案,为我国其他二恶英分析实验室的建设提供参考。
Based on the experiment concerned, it is found that the effective way to solve the problem is to decrease the amplitude of vibration and lower the effect from the vibrator on the surrounding sand layer under the condition that a certain exciting force can 通过试验,寻求到解决振冲施工造孔难的有效途径是,在保证一定激振力的情况下,适当减少振幅,以降低振冲器对周围砂层的影响;采用较大水量和水压,使砂层饱和,并在加重振冲器的振动作用条件下造孔。
Based on the experiment data of summer maize in Irrigation Experimental Station of North west A&F University during 2001~2004, a normalized model between leaf area index (LAI) and accumulated temperature was developed. 摘要通过对连续4a夏玉米叶面积指数的研究,建立了夏玉米叶面积指数与积温之间的归一化模型。
Based on the experiment of dust removal in a granular layer at normal temperature and the analysis of the experimental results, the influence of filter particle diameter, layer thickness and filtration velocity on the dust removal efficiency was researche 摘要在常温下,采用固体颗粒层进行过滤除尘的实验研究,并对实验结果进行分析,探索了过滤介质粒径、过滤层厚度和过滤速度对除尘效率和床层压力差的影响。
Based on the experiment studies, the study on water and solute transport in sandy soil under reclaimed water irrigation was made, The result can give some reference for the effect on soil solute transport and soil environment under micro-contaminated wate 摘要以宁夏回族自治区大武口市森林公园的含砾砂土为研究对象,通过室内试验,对中水灌溉条件下砂砾质土壤在不同灌水量、多次连续灌水、降雨淋洗等不同来水条件下水分、污染物运移的规律进行了初步的研究,为微污染水用于绿化灌溉对砂砾质土壤中污染物运移及累积的研究提供科学依据。
Based on the experiment, the influences of tool normal rake, chip pulling angle and chip pulling force on the shape and metallurgical structure of the fiber cross section are studied. 通过试验研究了刀具法向前角、拉屑力和拉屑角等对纤维横截面形状和金相组织的影响。

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