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And the problem could be even worse than it appears, he said. Snares catch musk deer of all ages and both sexes indiscriminately—but only adult males have musk glands.

And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king's counsellers, being gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed 但3:27那些总督、钦差、巡抚、和王的谋士、一同聚集看这三个人、见火无力伤他们的身体、头发也没有烧焦、衣裳也没有变色、并没有火燎的气味。
And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king's counsellors, being gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed 27那些总督,钦差,巡抚,和王的谋士一同聚集看这三个人,见火无力伤他们的身体,头发也没有烧焦,衣裳也没有变色,并没有火燎的气味。
And the princess tucked a strand of golden hair behind a dainty ear, opened her sapphire eyes, and parting her ruby lips, said: Pardon? 公主把一缕金发捋到小巧的耳朵后面,用湛蓝的双眸看着他,轻启朱唇说:“你说什么?”
And the principle of changing governments by street protest and military putsch has been re-established, undoing all the progress of the past decade, which had seen Thailand slowly emerge from the shadow of the barracks and the royal palace. 通过街头抗议和军事政变改变政府的原则再次建立,重起了过去数十年过程中所有的东西,在个过程中泰国缓缓的出现在兵营和皇宫的阴影中。
And the prize for the winner? 至于冠军的奖品?
And the problem could be even worse than it appears, he said. Snares catch musk deer of all ages and both sexes indiscriminately—but only adult males have musk glands. 问题也许比发现的更严重,他说。陷阱诱捕不论年龄和性别的麝——而只有成年的雄性麝才有麝腺。
And the problem is, the more you go through the revolving door of infatuation, the less powerful it is. 问题在于,当你在旋转门中被转得晕头转向,它的力量也越来越小。
And the process of schema translation involves the decoding of the source language text and the recoding of the target language text. 图式翻译的过程包括源语图式解码和目的语图式再编码。
And the products to sell will be added continuously. 掌柜还可提供英语翻译服务。
And the project will finance research into lower-cost ways to protect these crops. 该项目将资助研究低成本的方法来保护这些农作物。
And the projects section shows a compilation of student work from the term. 专题内则是学生学期间的作品集。

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