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The big question, then, is this: In the midst of a trial or heartache, how do I protect my peace?

The big problem is when you lose more than one crucial player,' said Mourinho after Boxing Day's 2-2 draw with Reading. “最大的问题是,你缺少了不止一名的关键球员,”穆里尼奥在节礼日2-2平了雷丁之后说。
The big project engages us so much that we can't manage to take a holiday this year. 这个大工程使我们如此忙碌以至于今年没有一次渡假。
The big question for the Mavericks this summer is just how much they'll have to change their lineup to be able to make that final adjustment, which could be the key to getting past teams like Golden State or Phoenix. 今夏小牛面对的大问题是他们最终应该对阵容作出怎样的调整,找到对付勇士和太阳这类球队的取胜之匙。
The big question for us is, do we promise a new unit at some time interval or do we just surprise players with something every now and again. 对我们来说最大的问题是,我们是定时发布新单位还是时不时的来个惊喜。
The big question mark for the global economy is how much property prices have to decline. 对于全球经济的一个大问号是,地产价格到底会下降多少。
The big question, then, is this: In the midst of a trial or heartache, how do I protect my peace? 所以,大问题就是:在经历试练和痛苦的时候,我如何保守我的平安?
The big questions remain open. 这些重大问题都没有答案。
The big rafter is visible in this room. 这间屋子粗大的椽子可以看得见。
The big relief, in Mr Mishkin's view, is that falling house prices translate only slowly into lower spending, so central bankers can soften even sharp house-price declines provided that they cut interest rates early. 在他看来房价下跌只能缓慢的作用到降低消费者支出也是如释重负的一件事情,所以如果央行可以先行一步降息,那么即使房价大跌央行也能缓解这种压力。
The big shot is on the edge of bankruptcy. 那名大亨濒临破产的边缘。
The big shot was on the verge of bankruptcy. 那名大亨濒临破产的边缘。

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