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It is also known that sodium ethylate and diethyl phenylmalonate interact together to give ethyl Phenylacetate and diethyl carbonate.

It is also increasingly found in the present tense. 这个动词使用的是现在时态.
It is also increasingly found in the present tense. 这种用法现亦逐渐多见於现在时态。
It is also intended to aid those researching events who have chosen alternative timelines, using the birth date of Nicolas Flamel, for example, or choosing the best possible fit to the given days and dates. 这种方法也有意帮助那些已经选择了灵活(斟酌一下这里)时间线的研究者,选择——比方说——尼可.勒梅的出生日期或其他任何一个最佳的已给定的确切日期作为标记。
It is also its creating a long term observation system to study the effects of climate change. 并且,他们也创建了一套长期观察系统以研究气候改变所致的效应。
It is also known by the Cosmic Maya that this present linear fashion of time will transform into multidimensionality, and will not be limited to linear time on Earth much longer. 宇宙玛雅人也知道现在的线性时间方式会转变成多维方式,地球上线性时间的限制不会很长久。
It is also known that sodium ethylate and diethyl phenylmalonate interact together to give ethyl Phenylacetate and diethyl carbonate. 众所周知,乙醇纳和二乙基苯基丙二酸酯反应可以得到乙基乙酸苯酯和二乙基碳酸酯。
It is also known to induce hypersensitiity reactions. 而且紫杉醇还可引起超敏反应。
It is also made from high class meat. Containing the granular meat and classical herbs, the liver pate will gently release its unique and traditional flavor after roasted. 同样也是一种肉做的面包,配方中加入了颗粒状的肉馅,还添加了经典的香草调料,加热、烤制而成。再现了该产品特有的传统风味。
It is also maintained that the methodology should be focussed on the reliability of the materials interpreted with dialectical materialistic point of view. 本文认为此项研究还必须注意工作方法,即注意使用资料的可靠程度与坚持辩证唯物主义的观点。
It is also managing to repatriate more trafficked artefacts from abroad, including 18 ceramic, textile and metal objects from Germany two months ago. 它还成功地从国外追回更多被走私的文物,包括两个月前从德国追回的18件陶质的,纺织的和金属物件。
It is also manifesting as the actions of the body, as thought force. It is the Supreme Spirit. 在它之外的是存在于万物里的生命能或力量。

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