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Acetylsalicylic acid has been synthesized using salicylic acid and acetic anhydride with microwave radiation catalyzed by aluminum chloride. The effecting factors of this method were also discussed.

Acetaldehyde(ethanol) An aldehyde, CH3CHO, that is an intermediate in the conversion of pyruvic acid to ethanol during the final stage of glycol sis during anaerobic respiration in plants. 乙醛:乙醛CH3CHO,在植物无氧呼吸的最后一个环节-糖酵解中把丙酮酸转化为乙醇的中间体。
Acetaminophen is available in liquid, chewable and suppository forms for children, but it\'s often easiest to give medications in liquid form. 对于小孩子来说,退热净有口服液,口香糖和栓剂等几种形式选择,但通常很容易采用溶剂的方式给小孩服药。
Acetic Term applied to wines which have undergone acetification and to the odour of such wines. 醋酸的:用于描述发生醋酸化的葡萄酒,以及此类葡萄酒所散发出的气味。
Acetyl CoA plays a key role in metabolism, being a precursor of the KREBS CYCLE and GLYOXYLATE CYCLE, and the starting point for synthesis of fatty acids, terpenes, and some amino acids. 它在新陈代谢的过程中扮演非常重要的角色,是三羧酸循环和乙醛酸循环的前体物质,而且还是合成脂肪酸,萜类以及一些氨基酸的起始。
Acetylation between alcohol and benzoyl oxide was carried out using ZnBr2 as a Lewis acid catalyst in solvent-free condition. Some structures were characterized by NMR and IR. 以溴化锌为催化剂,在无溶剂条件下实现了醇与苯甲酸酐的酰化反应,部分产物经NMR和IR表征。
Acetylsalicylic acid has been synthesized using salicylic acid and acetic anhydride with microwave radiation catalyzed by aluminum chloride. The effecting factors of this method were also discussed. 摘要以水杨酸和乙酸酐为原料,以无水三氯化铝作催化剂,微波辐射合成了乙酰水杨酸,并讨论了影响反应的因素。
Achenes 8-ribbed, white pilose; pappus scabrous, 10-12 mm long, connate at base. 瘦果纺锤形,具8条纵棱,被白色长柔毛;冠毛粗糙,长10-12毫米,基部联合。
Acheson is not concordant with the Congress either, because his personality and the confrontation between Republican and Democratic in the Congress. 此外,艾其逊个人的特质以及国会内部两党间的政治斗争,使得他与国会间水火不容。
Achievable . Your goals should be realistic, based on the material and volunteer resources you have or can expect to have, within the time frame established for your district's goals. 可以达成的。您的目标必须是实际可行的,也就是可以根据你预期在完成目标的时间範围内,所能获得或期待能够获得的资源,包括物质与义工奉献的时间,来完今的目标。
Achievable means that your goals should be realistic, based on the materials and resources you have or can expect to have, within the time frame established for your district's goals. 「可达成的」的意思是您的目标应切合实际,并以您所有的或在为您的地区目标所订定的时间架构之内,您可以预料可取得的资料或资源作为根据。
Achieve a high level of CBE awareness and penetration in all markets and applications. 提升CBE的认知度,渗透于所有市场和应用领域。

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