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Based on the test data of air chamber pushrod force-stroke, a computation model a bout air chamber pushrod force-stroke was established, and calculation formula of actuation deformation characteristics of the drum brake was proposed according to test data

Based on the technical development and creation of electronic jacquard machine, new mechanical device is developed and applied to electronic jacquard machine and restraint design is used to simplify the determination of its shedding motion parameters to m 摘要电子提花机的发展和应用体现在机构传动和电气技术两个方面,经过电子提花机发展的技术积累和创新,研发了新结构的电子提花机,并利用约束设计思想来简化对提花机开口装置参数的计算,从而使电子提花机的开口设计便捷而准确。
Based on the technical summaries of some long-distance water delivery projects, the technical problems from the selection of pipes, water hammer protection and the safety measures, economic flow velocity, economic pipe size and some other technical proble 摘要通过对多项长距离输水工程设计的技术总结,论述在南水北调河北省配套输水管道工程设计中对管材的选择、水锤的防护技术与安全措施、经济流速的计算、经济管径选择等技术问题进行探讨,以便更好地为工程设计服务。
Based on the technological analysis of the auto front lamp holder plate with 3 angles, the layout for forming the part with a multi_position progressive die and the structure of the die were put forward. 在对汽车前灯座三角盘进行工艺分析的基础上,提出了该零件多工位级进冲压成形排样方案及相应的模具结构。
Based on the tectonic characteristic of Yanhuai Basin and recent slip velocity of each fault, the future seismic risk of each fault is evaluated with magnitude-time prediction model. 摘要本文从延怀盆地的地质构造特征出发,依据近期各断层的滑动速率,由震级一时间可预测模型,计算了各断层的未来地震危险性。
Based on the telecommunications project that has been implemented in different regions, the Project Coordinator would take the place to communicate with the client, coordinate technical experts to identify, locate and resolve the technical issues in vario 根据信息技术部门在各地的电信相关项目进展保持与客户之间的沟通,协调并配合专业技术人员发现,定位和处理可能出现的技术问题,管理并调度各设备厂商电信供应商为项目提供必要的支持。
Based on the test data of air chamber pushrod force-stroke, a computation model a bout air chamber pushrod force-stroke was established, and calculation formula of actuation deformation characteristics of the drum brake was proposed according to test data 摘要以制动气室推出力-行程试验数据为基础,建立了气室推杆力与行程的计算模型,根据试验数据提出了鼓式制动器的促动变形特性的计算公式,用试验方法解决了制动器推杆总行程过大的生产实际问题。
Based on the test of 3 concrete beams reinforced with surface adhering sand carbon fiber bar and 2 concrete beams reinforced with surface adhering sand glass fiber bar, the deflection, balanced reinforcement ratio, failure mode, and ultimate capacity were 摘要以3根粘砂碳纤维聚合物筋混凝土梁和2根粘砂玻璃纤维聚合物筋的试验为依据,分析了纤维聚合物筋混凝土梁的挠度变形和破坏形式,以及界限配筋率和正截面承载力;并结合我国混凝土结构设计规范对梁的正截面承载力计算公式进行了推导。
Based on the test of the flexural performance of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with aramid fiber reinforced plastics (AFRP) and reference beams, this paper analyzes the failure process and characteristics of the strengthened beams and factors tha 摘要本文根据芳纶纤维加固钢筋混凝土梁和未加固的混凝土参考梁的抗弯性能静载试验研究,分析了芳纶纤维加固钢筋混凝土受弯构件的破坏过程,研究了加固后钢筋混凝土受弯构件正截面的破坏特征、受力特点及影响因素(粘贴层数和配筋率)。
Based on the test result of hydraulic model of a project, this paper analyzes the influences of gate operation during operating period, combined operation of hydro-generation sets and the length of guide wall on navigable flow condition in entrance area, 摘要根据实际工程的水工模型试验资料,分析枢纽工程运行期的闸门调度、机组组合运行和导航墙长度对口门区通航水流的影响,提出改善通航水流条件的枢纽运行方式。
Based on the test results of saline soil samples of twelve places (Kashi, Sinkiang, China), the representative crude saline soil samples were selected for the experiment of freezing and thawing cycles in laboratory. 摘要通过对新疆喀什地区12处天然盐渍土室内基本性质试验分析,选取典型天然盐渍土,在开放系统中进行反复冻融循环条件下的试验研究。
Based on the tests of eight kinds of typical fabrics,the relation between the drape coefficient of different fabric and its revolving speed is analysed and discussed in this paper,an expressing method of indexes is proposed for the active degree of fabric 分析了8种典型织物在不同旋转速度下的悬垂系数的变化规律,探讨描述织物动态悬垂性的活泼程度指标的表达方法.

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