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Primary militiamen belonging to the age group of 18-20 who have not been in active service shall receive military training for 30 to 40 days; the period of training for professional and technical militiamen may be extended appropriately according to actua

Primary lymphoma of the breast is a rare condition. 摘要发生在乳房的原发性淋巴肿瘤的情形相当的少。
Primary mediastinal germ-cell tumors (GCTs) without gonadal involvement are rare and can be divided into benign mature teratoma and malignant seminoma or nonseminoma. 摘要无生殖腺体侵犯之原发性纵膈腔生殖芽细胞肿瘤为罕见之肿瘤,一般分为良性成熟畸胎瘤及包含精细胞瘤和非精细胞瘤在内的恶性肿瘤。
Primary melanoma of the esophagus is not frequently encountered clinically but rather high degree malignant that have a poor prognosis. 摘要食道的原发性黑色素瘤在临床上是不常见的,但却是极恶性且有不好的预后。
Primary memory is known as random access memory (RAM) and simple named memory. 主内存即所熟悉的随机访问存储器(RAM),或简单称为内存。
Primary memory is known as random access memory(RAM) and simple named memory. 主存储器又称为随机存取存储器,简称内存。
Primary militiamen belonging to the age group of 18-20 who have not been in active service shall receive military training for 30 to 40 days; the period of training for professional and technical militiamen may be extended appropriately according to actua 未服过现役的基干民兵,在十八岁至二十岁期间,应当参加三十天至四十天的军事训练;专业技术民兵的训练时间,按照实际需要适当延长。
Primary nasal tuberculosis is rare. 摘要鼻部结核症非常罕见。
Primary omental torsion is a rare cause of acute abdomen in children. 摘要原发性网膜扭转是儿童急性腹痛的一个罕见病因。
Primary osteoarthritis affects the articular cartilage of otherwise normal joints. 原发性骨关节炎犯其他正常侵犯其他正常的骨关节软骨面。
Primary phloem PHLOEM derived from the procambium in the young plant. 初生韧皮部:指幼嫩植物中来源于原形成层的韧皮部。
Primary products are refined coking coal, high grade heating coal, coke, power supply and chemical products, construction materials and electromechanical equipment. etc. 主要产品有炼焦精煤、优质动力煤、喷吹煤、焦炭及电力、煤化工产品、建材、煤矿机电设备等。

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