Only the accident of birth decides whether a given individual has a chance of becoming a gentleman or will necessarily become a villain: hence aristocracy is unjust.
唯有偶然的出生决定了一个特定的人是否有机会成为绅士或必将成为一个村夫:这说明贵族统治是不公平的。 |
Only the accredited reporter can enter assembly room.
只有授权了的记者才能进入会场。 |
Only the apostles had been able to pass on the power of the Spirit to others by the laying on of hands (Acts 8:14-24; 2 Timothy 1:2).
只有使徒能通过按手将圣灵的能力传递给他人(使徒行传8:14-24;提摩太后书1:2)。 |
Only the arrival of town guards prevented the bloodshed.
直到守卫过来才避免了流血事件。 |
Only the authorized reporters can be allowed to enter the assembly room.
只有授权了的记者才能进入会场。 |
Only the booster's fiery tail was visible as the rocket ascended through a cumulus cloud and then arced over the ocean, headed for space.
火箭上升穿透积云、横越海洋、朝著太空前进,我们只能隐约看到助力器下方炽烈的火焰尾。 |
Only the bravest and smartest of the Fallen attain the coveted training required to rise to the position of Shaman.
只有最勇敢、最聪明的沉沦魔才能通过试炼而成为巫师。 |
Only the calorific value of the item in question was relevant.
只有这个热量的价值信息被质疑是相关的。 |
Only the child's assets and income will be assessed.
只需填报及有关子女的财产和收入即可。 |
Only the class that defines a signal and its subclasses can emit the signal.
只有定义了信号的类及其子类能够激发信号。 |
Only the correct amount of thinner should be added.
按正确的使用量加入稀料。 |