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Do any of the people you're chatting with online make disrespectful comments?

Do all you can to show your love and your ability to measure up to what this person wants. 尽自己能做的一切向对方表达爱意和表示你能达到对方的要求。
Do always conduct yourself as if you are determined to get the job you are discussing. Never close the door on opportunity. 要表现出对此工作势在必得的决心。不要放弃任何机会。
Do animals, like humans, get jet lag if they cross the Atlantic in a plane? 雀鸟冬天南飞过冬时,又会否像人一样,有时差反应?
Do answer all e-mail messages in one business day or less. 客人的邮件一定要在一个工作日内回复。
Do any classes get familiarswhose body they can inhabit or look through, like a black cat or owl etc? 有职业具有密友,该职业能占据密友的身体或者通过起眼睛观看,就像黑猫或者猫头鹰?
Do any of the people you're chatting with online make disrespectful comments? 网上聊天的人又给过你无礼的评论吗?
Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? 22外邦人虚无的神中有能降雨的吗?
Do any of these designs attract you? 这些设计中有使你感兴趣的吗?
Do any of you idiots who criticise her and say that she does not sing that great realize that she is chinese AND NOT SINGING WITH A CHINESE ACCENT? 你们这些批评他长的不好的笨蛋,有没有注意到他是中国人但是唱歌的时候确没有中国口音。
Do any other family members reside with you? Yes/No If yes, whom? 是否有其他家庭成员和你住一起?如果是,谁?
Do as I do. Trust in God. “像我一样﹐信任上帝。”

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