This Chinese web page of Mysticweb offers free online course on various proven techniques for Astral Travel to gain mystical and esoteric information for self-knowledge and spiritual development.
这个知者运动之中文网页,提供免费网上课程,教导关于遨游太虚世界之各种实践技术,去获得有关自我求知及灵性发展之神秘及灵性的喻索道理。 |
This Christmas party, with the theme of harmonious world attracted over 100 people to attend and achieved unexpected result.
晚会以“和谐感恩、爱心互助”为主题,有100余人参加了本次晚会。 |
This Christmas, as we go through the routine of regretting the predominance of markets in our lives, we might remind ourselves that while markets may not be perfect, they sometimes beat the alternatives.
今年圣诞节,当我们照旧慨叹市场主导了我们的生活时,我们可能要提醒自己,虽然市场可能并不完美,但有时它们比其它机制要好。 |
This Circular is promulgated on December 20, 2005.
本通知于2005年12月20日发布实施。 |
This Cistercian abbey in Catalonia is one of the largest in Spain.
波夫莱特修道院属于西多会修道院,是西班牙最大的修道院之一。 |
This Classic Seductive tale of two snakes who assume human forms will send chills of pleasure down viewers' backs.
《白蛇传》是家传户晓的民间故事,千年妖精白素贞(白蛇)与青青(青蛇)两姊妹,因缘同降凡间。 |
This Classifier is very unique equipping the special formed stator, LV Pocket. This makes possible to separate coarse material and fine material before the gas comes into Classifier rotor.
这种选粉机具有一种独特结构的导风叶片——LV气室。它使粗颗粒物料与细颗粒物料在气体进入选粉机转子之前就有可能分离。 |
This Clause 12, which does not apply to general average or salvage charges, shall be subject to the exclusions contained in Clause 4,5,6 and 7 above, and shall not include charges arising from the fault negligence insolvency or financial default of the As
对共同海损和救助费用不适用的本条规定,须受上述第4、5、6和7条所包含的除外责任的制约,且不包括因被保险人或其雇员的过错、疏忽、无偿付能力或财务困境而引起的费用。 |
This Clause 12.1 shall not apply to a claim for total or constructive total loss of the Vessel or, in the event of such a claim, to any associated claim under Clause 10 arising from the same accident or occurrence.
本第12.1款对保险船舶的全损或推定全损索赔不适用,也不适用于根据第10条,与同一事故或事件产生的此种全损或推定全损赔偿相关的索赔。 |
This Cognac XO is the result of seeking the perfect, the representative of prosperity and respect, be filled in the blue porcelain bottle which better presents the decorousness and luxury, becoming the cherish for tasteful person that constructs honorable
此款XO干邑是法国调酒大师追求完美的结晶,是富庶也是尊荣的代表,滴滴佳酿盛载于法国传统手工工艺制造的蓝色瓷樽内,更显雍容奢华,为坚持生活品位人士之珍爱,于传统佳节中营造尊贵氛围! |
This Concert consists of many children's fairy tales which are selected from music lists not only of classicism, romanticism, but also modernism.
该团精选音乐史上古典主义、浪漫主义、乃至现代主义之曲目搭配童话故事串成此音乐会! |