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Not only the essence estimate but also human value in which do make somebody be cognizant of the value and the clamant needs of the humanity translation in a deeper levels.

Not only that. His methods are antiquated. 不仅如此。他的方法也是过时的。
Not only that, but my children and grandchildren will carry on after me. 不仅如此,我的儿孙也要继承我的事业。
Not only the Constitution and laws, but also the culture as a whole, came under the sway of Christian ideas and values to a degree perhaps unprecedented in world history. 基督教的思想和价值观影响所及,不仅在宪法和一般法上,也在整体文化之中,其影响程度是史无前例的。
Not only the anniversary of the day the flag was adopted by Congress, Flag Day is also the anniversary of President Dwight Eisenhower's controversial addition of the words under Godto the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954. 国旗纪念日不单是美国国会通过了第一面国旗的周年纪念日,也是德怀特·艾森豪威尔总统于1954年在效忠誓词上增加了“在上帝庇佑下”这个有争议的词汇的周年纪念日。
Not only the children, but(also) their father likes to see the picture. 不但是孩子们,而且他们的父亲也喜欢看这部电影。
Not only the essence estimate but also human value in which do make somebody be cognizant of the value and the clamant needs of the humanity translation in a deeper levels. 不仅科技伦理评价的本质要求科技伦理实行人文转向,而且从科技伦理的人文价值中,能够更深层次地让人们认识到科技伦理研究实行人文转向的迫切性。
Not only the monks/nuns but also the layman Buddhists are forbidden to kill living beings in the Tibetan regions. 在藏族地区,无论是出家人,还是在家人都禁忌杀生。
Not only the patient but also the nurse has symptom of fatigue. 不但病人,护士也有疲劳的症状。
Not only the scan route solution, the built-in self-test solution and the boundary scan solution of design for testability are summarized, but also the applications and countermeasures of these 3 solutions are analysed and compared in details. 摘要综述了超大规模集成电路的几种主要的可测试性设计技术,如扫描路径法、内建自测试法和边界扫描法等,并分析比较了这几种设计技术各自的特点及其应用方法和策略。
Not only the students but also the teacher likes music. 不但学生们喜欢音乐,老师也喜欢。
Not only the switches but also the old wiring has been replaced. 不但更换了开关还更换了旧电线。

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