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The play was very bad, but mercifully it was also short!
那剧糟透了, 幸好还不算长!

The play was missing pizzazz and pace. 表演缺乏激情和节奏.
The play was over at six o'clock. 这齣戏于六点钟结束。
The play was performed in the presence of royalty. 这戏剧曾在皇室成员出席时表演。
The play was shortened by the omission of two scenes. 该剧经删去两场而缩短了.
The play was stopped at the line of scrimmage. 球赛就在起赛线上停了下来。
The play was very bad, but mercifully it was also short! 那剧糟透了, 幸好还不算长!
The play was very interesting. 戏很有意思。
The play was very well reviewed. 这出戏得到很好的评价。
The play was well/favourably reviewed . 该剧受到好评.
The play's first night was a disaster . 这出戏头一晚就演砸了.
The play's first night was a disaster. 这出戏头一晚就演砸了.

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