Japanese media had said last week that Kiko, 39, was likely to give birth in a Caesarean operation around Sept. 6, ahead of her late September due date.
日本传媒上周早已经指称说,39岁的纪子,实在很可能会在9月6日前后以剖腹生产手术来分娩,她的9月底预产期前面。 |
Japanese news reports say Japan and the United States have agreed to promote a missile defense system to ensure security in the Asia Pacific region.
日本媒体报导说,日本和美国同意推动导弹防御系统,以确保亚太地区的安全。 |
Japanese newspaper The Nikkei Business Daily Tuesday cites unidentified officials at Japan's Defense Ministry as saying that Australia will join the United States and Japan in researching a missile defense system to counter growing threats in the Asia-Pac
日本日经产业新闻星期二援引日本防卫省不愿透露姓名的官员的话说,澳大利亚将与美国和日本一起研究建立导弹防御系统,以抵御亚太地区日渐增长的威胁。 |
Japanese officials have insisted that the law is intended to ensure safety from electrical fires.
日本官员坚持认为这项法规初衷在于保证电引起火灾的安全。 |
Japanese paper Asahi Shimbun has published excerpts from a diary of a former aide that indicates Japan's late emperor, Hirohito, expre ed regret at having invaded China.
日本报纸朝日新闻刊登已故昭和天皇前侍从的日记摘要,显示昭和天皇对入侵中国感到后悔。 |
Japanese paper Asahi Shimbun has published excerpts from a diary of a former aide that indicates Japan's late emperor, Hirohito, expressed regret at having invaded China.
日本报纸朝日新闻刊登已故昭和天皇前侍从的日记摘要,显示昭和天皇对入侵中国感到后悔。 |
Japanese patients physical decline, Be selective reduction, weight loss and weak, can be associated with fever, anemia obvious, or even awareness of fuzzy, Sepsis occurred but rarely see.
患者体力日衰,胃纳减少,消瘦无力,也可伴发热,明显贫血,甚至意识模糊,但发生败血症者很少见。 |
Japanese people need help to brush up on their polite language, a government panel has proposed.
日本一个政府小组委员会最近提议,日本人民应该好好复习一下他们的“礼貌敬语”了。 |
Japanese people who are too shy to work up the courage to say I Love You,or at least want a little surprise, have a new option: a bean plant that sprouts to read a special message.
那些过于羞涩而没有勇气说出“我爱你”,或者想要一点惊喜的日本人现在有了新的选择:一种发芽后带有特殊信息的豆类植物。 |
Japanese researchers found eating the yoghurt reduced levels of hydrogen sulphide - a major cause of bad breath - in 80% of volunteers.
日本研究者们发现多喝酸奶可以减少80%的受试者体内的硫化氢含量,而硫化氢是口腔异味的主要诱因。 |
Japanese routinely work long hours, as much from cultural constraints on leaving before colleagues as from volume of work.
日本人的日常工作时间很长,这和不倡导先于同事下班的文化约束以及工作量大有关。 |