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The astronaut accepted danger was part of the job.

The astral ME moved around the room, observing my body in the chair while it was watching me. 星体的我围绕房间移动,观察着坐在椅子中的我的身体,而它也在观察我。
The astral body lacks energy and so does not have clear enough impressions of its journey. 星体躯体缺乏能量,并对它的旅行没有足够清晰的印象。
The astrocytes were responding as if the neurotransmitter had just been released by a neuron, and they were essentially discussing the news of presumed neuronal firing among themselves. 星状细胞的反应就像是神经传递物刚从神经元释出的情形一样,而且,它们基本上该是在互相讨论著有关神经冲动的消息。
The astrologer claimed to be able to divine the future. 那占星家宣称能够洞悉未来。
The astrologer needs to focus on the freedom/closeness dilemma, which is at the core of Venus/Uranus aspects and discussing this with the client if it is causing significant problems in her or his relationships. 占星学家有必要集中在自由/亲密感两难的情况,也就是金星/天王星相位的中心问题,而且得跟顾客讨论这个问题,如果它在她或他的关系中产生有影响力的问题。
The astronaut accepted danger was part of the job. 太空人承认他们的工作中包含著危险。
The astronaut accepts danger as being part of the job. 宇航员承认他们的工作中包含着危险。
The astronaut can send out a robot which will work on the unknown plant, collecting rocks and minerals, putting up a permanent observation station or traveling far and wide. 宇航员可以派出机器人在这颗陌生的行星上工作,收集岩石和矿物;建立永久性观察站,或向四面八方走动。
The astronaut had assurance that he could help the little boy. 宇航员有把握能帮助这个小男孩。
The astronaut space walked half an hour. 宇宙航行员在太空行走了半小时.
The astronaut, an astronomy fan, is astonished at the gymnastics show in the gymnasium. 宇航员(一位天文学迷)对体育馆里的体操表演感到惊骇.

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