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About 90 percent of the heroin sold in Britain originates in Afghanistan, and Britain is leading a drive to try to eradicate poppy cultivation there by 2013.

About 80%repellency rate was still retained through 4 weeks. 具有广泛的应用前景。
About 800 species from Asia to Pacific region.Indian gum is F.erastica and Flg.tree F.carica.Imported mainly from New Guinea,but volume very small. 近800种﹐分布区域由亚洲至大洋洲﹐进口地区﹐以新几内亚为主﹐但数量不多。
About 9.4 million people have been affected and 337,000 relocated as a result of the disaster. 约有940万人受此次洪灾影响,337,000人因灾被转移安置。
About 90 per cent of Santas claimed that children pulled their beards to see if they were real, and 60 per cent said that up to ten kids cough or sneeze on them every day. 大约有90%的圣诞老人说孩子们会去揪他们的胡子,想看看他们是不是真人,有60%的圣诞老人说每年都有10来个孩子在他们身上咳嗽或者擤鼻涕。
About 90 percent of such cancers are caused by ultraviolet light from the sun. 而90%的这种癌症是由于长时间暴露在太阳紫外线下造成的。
About 90 percent of the heroin sold in Britain originates in Afghanistan, and Britain is leading a drive to try to eradicate poppy cultivation there by 2013. 在英国销售的海洛因大约有百分之九十是从阿富汗来的,英国正努力在2013年之前杜绝阿富汗的罂粟种植。
About 90% students will be white collars just after their graduation; the salary would be about 20000 pounds per year. 英国毕业生的就业率在90%左右,而且在他们一毕业就已经是白领了,薪水在他们毕业之后每年大约2万英镑。
About 94% of Australia's production is grown in Queensland with 5% in NSW and the remainder in Western Australia's Ord River Irrigation Area. 澳大利亚94%左右的甘蔗种植于昆士兰州,5%左右在新南威尔士州,其他的分布于澳大利亚西部的奥德河流灌溉地区。
About 95% of the time, this fixed size is tiny, reducing readability significantly for most people over the age of 40. 在95%的情况下,这种被固定的文字字号非常小,值得注意的是对于许多超过40岁的读者来说,大大降低了网页可读性。
About Chinese localization, many local CG artists are inspired by western themes and ignoring their own culture. What's your opinion on this? 还有就是中国化的问题,对于国内CG绘画人士在创作题材上比较崇洋,而很少关注自己的文化这种现状,您个人有什么看法?
About Dan he said: Dan is a lion's cub, springing out of Bashan. 22论但说、但为小狮子、从巴珊跳出来。

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