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The economy shrank by five per cent this year.

The economy may be booming, but it is also displaying all the classic symptoms of an overheating petro-economy, with a rapidly appreciating currency, rising prices and creeping corruption, both in the northern and southern governments. 经济可能持续繁荣,但也使石油经济的种种标准症候浮出水面:通货迅速升值,物价上涨,南北方政府中都盛行贪腐。
The economy of means is founded on the richness of thought. 经济手段是建立在丰富的思想.
The economy of that country quickly atrophied. 该国的经济快速萎缩。
The economy of the country is not viable. 这个国家经济是难以维持的。
The economy remains generally healthy, they say, and builders have slowed down to avoid a pileup of unsold homes. 这是由于美国经济发展总体保持健康,而且开发商为了避免房屋囤积,放缓了开发进度。
The economy shrank by five per cent this year. 今年经济收缩达百分之五。
The economy shrank in the third quarter, too, and is forecast to contract further. 经济以四分之三的速率萎缩,也预示着会更进一步地收缩。
The economy thought of Deng Xiaoping not only is the inherits of Marx's economy theory, but also is the development and innovation on Marx's economy theory. 摘要邓小平经济思想既是对马克思经济理论的坚持与继承,更是对马克思经济理论的发展与创新。
The economy was a considerable issue in the campaign. 在竞选运动中经济是一个重要问题
The economy was an important reason people chose to migrate .In China, for example, millions of people from the countryside moved to the city to find better-paying jobs. 经济同样是人们选择移居城市的重要原因之一。比如,在中国,成千上万人从农村来到城市,为的就是能找到一份较高收入的工作。
The economy was an important reason people chose to migrate. 经济是人们选择移居的一个重要原因。

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