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Abstract: The paper interprets alternant polarization phenomen on of even alternant hydrocarbons by discussing charge density on every position of even alternate when it is polarized using perturbational molecular orbitals( PMO).

Abstract: The paper described the ways of evaluation of informationresource on Internet.Some examples are given of several oversea special web sites.Preliminary investigation is made on its feature and potential development as well as the website construc 文摘:介绍了几种评估互联网上信息的方法和国外几个与粉末冶金行业相关的专业技术网站,对其特色和发展潜力进行了分析,并就行业网站建设等问题作了初步探讨。
Abstract: The paper directed against the history and present of China silk industry,by analysing the principal contradiction of restricting industrial advance from the point of view in productive forces and production relations,and by Comparing to the Bra 文摘:本文针对中国蚕丝产业的历史和现状,从生产力和生产关系的角度分析了制约产业发展的基本矛盾,并通过和近期蚕丝生产力发展较快的巴西进行比较,提出应从产业模式改造、建立现代化桑园生产技术体系和工业化养蚕技术体系、发展一批以中西部地区为主的新蚕区等方面,重新营造中国蚕丝产业的优势。
Abstract: The paper discusses the impact of modern science and technologyon human bings,and points out the drawbacks of the tradional P.E. curriculum.Therefore,the author puts forward the suggestions for the reforming of P.E. curriculum,following the whol 文摘:论述了现代科技对人的影响,指出传统体育课程的弊病,提出了体育课程的改革应注意遵从人的生物、社会、心理的整体需求,具有民族特色,培养竞争与协作精神,培养创新精神,与家庭、社区体育相联系,养成终身爱好。
Abstract: The paper discusses the objects, the criteria ,the contents, the method, and the data processing method of reliability test and presents.gives out the test results of key components of nuclear logging tools .The results have directing effect on 摘要:论述了核测井仪器关键元器件可靠性测试的目的、内容、原则、方法以及测试数据的处理方法,给出了核测井仪器部分关键元器件的可靠性测试结果,这一结果对核测井仪器关键元器件的选型、筛选及后续测试具有指导作用。
Abstract: The paper explores the content of Advanced Cultureand evaluaes its objective standards and satisfying terms on the basis. 摘要:文章探讨了先进文化的内涵,并在此基础上进一步讨论了衡量先进文化的客观准则和满足条件。
Abstract: The paper interprets alternant polarization phenomen on of even alternant hydrocarbons by discussing charge density on every position of even alternate when it is polarized using perturbational molecular orbitals( PMO). 文摘:本文用微扰分子轨道法(PMO)讨论了偶交替烃被极化时各位置上的π电荷密度,解释了偶交替烃π电荷的交替极化现象。
Abstract: The paper introduced the optimization of chemical composition of rare earth microalloy. 文摘:对玻璃模具材质的化学成分进行了合理设计和优选。
Abstract: The paper introduces a forming process and design of progressive die for moveable spring used on a relay,and it carries on a process of double-layer forming and a way to protect useless stuff from jumping onto bottom plate. 文摘:介绍了某继电器中的动簧片成形工艺确定和级进模设计、在级进模中叠片成形及防止小废料上带的一种方法。
Abstract: The paper introduces a method to save and link the product graphics with application software.Based on VB and OLE,the system is driven by database.It can simplify the designers' work and improve the efficiency. 文摘:介绍了一种利用VB及内嵌的数据库引擎技术,结合OLE技术设计产品图档数据库,实现产品图形数据的存储及与应用程序的链接,进而实现产品图档管理,构建产品设计环境的简便而有效的方法,该法可简化设计人员的操作,使其只需关注产品的设计,从而提高设计效率。
Abstract: The paper introduces a scheme of an automatic control s ystem for freeze-drying process procedure.The scheme is composed of supervisory personal computer,PLC and singlechip processor system. 文摘:提出了一套冷冻干燥生产过程自动控制系统的实现方案,该方案由上位计算机、PLC和单片机小系统组成。
Abstract: The paper introduces briefly the retrofit of the cleaning equipment and the operating results of the cylinder type bag filter in the fluidization systems for the copper smelting flash furnace. 文摘:简要概述了闪速炉气力输送系统收尘装置的改造和圆筒型布袋收尘装置在气力输送系统中使用的效果。

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