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They recognized him to be a great leader.

They reckon the book as one of her best works. 他们认为这本书是她最优秀的作品之一。
They reckon the book as one of his best works. 他们认为这本书是他的优秀作品之一。
They recognize that hustle and rush are the allies of superficiality. 他们认识到仓促和草率了事是肤浅的盟友。
They recognize the impact that defects have, economic and otherwise. 他们真正认识到了缺陷所带来的影响:经济的或者其他的。
They recognized Richard as his lawful heir. 他们确认理查德为他的合法继承人。
They recognized him to be a great leader. 他们承认他是一位伟大领袖。
They recognized that the fully loaded carts and the scattered bones bel0nged to the former caravan. 他们认出了装满货物的牛车,和商队人畜散落的骨架。
They recognized that the fully loaded carts and the scattered bones belonged to the former caravan. 他们认出了商队甲装满货物的牛车,和散落各处的人畜骨架。
They recommend that children under age 2 should not watch any and older children should watch no more than 2 hours a day of quality programming. 他们建议两岁以下的儿童根本就不应该看电视,2岁以上的儿童看电视的时间不能超过2小时。
They recommend that consumers not to be led astray false advertising (misleading). 他们建议消费者不要被虚假广告引入歧途(误导).
They recommended consumers not be misled by dishonest advertising. 他们建议消费者不要被虚假广告引入歧途(误导).

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