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Even if the vaccine alone causes some immunosuppression ,it is better than losing half the flock.

Even if the ridiculous amount of artifact hate isn't enough to screw the Ironworks.dec, it still means that it slows it down enough to make it very vulnerable to Annul, Last Word and Condescend and you can't really get around those in mid-game. 即使是真正大量的神器去除也并不能完全打败铁厂,它们只是拖慢了它,让那些抹除、睥睨或是定论在后面几盘有机可乘,同时讯使似乎也并没有偶想象中的那样激动人心。
Even if the students whose grades are ecumenical may become whiz kid in the way of mending habit of study. 即使成绩一般的学生也可以通过改进学习习惯而成为优等生。
Even if the trade surplus requires a big revaluation, the internal-balance criterion may call for a lower exchange rate. 即使贸易盈余要求大幅升值,内部均衡标准可能会要求更低的汇率。
Even if the true number is much higher, this is only the smallest of escape valves in the great political pressure-cooker that is China's troubled countryside. 即便真实数字要远高于此,这也只是这个巨大的政治高压锅--问题重重的中国农村--上面最小的一个放气筏罢了。
Even if the vaccine 4,000 dogs also all killed. 连打过疫苗的4千只狗也都杀死了。
Even if the vaccine alone causes some immunosuppression ,it is better than losing half the flock. 尽管疫苗能够引起一些免疫抑制,也要比损失一半的鸡群要好得多。
Even if the whole world goes into ashes, 纵然整个世界变为灰烬,
Even if the worst comes to the worst, we can always sell up our business here and start again somewhere else. 即使出现最坏的情况,我们也总可以随时在这里变卖商店,然后在其他地方另起炉灶。
Even if there is a hell lying ahead,why not face it in an optimistic way freely and easily ,smiling off all difficulties and humiliation? 面前就是一个“深渊”,难道你就不能乐观一点、潇洒一点,做个“拿得起,放得下”的人吗?
Even if there is no genuine interest from our side it's also not unusual for a “rival” club (domestic or continental) to apparently enter the fray in securing the services of a player in order to make sure that the other club pays top dollar and consequen 甚至就算我们没有这么大的兴趣一定要买下阿尔维斯,皇马的举动也不奇怪,“敌对”俱乐部(国内或国外的)来争球员很明显是为了让对方俱乐部以最高的价格买下球员,这样就能削弱他们的财政状况。
Even if there is only a fantasy or an illusion, so long as it shows a ray of hope, it still urges you on in pursuit of the glimmer without letup. 不管是望梅止渴,还是画饼充饥,它都会激励你不停手中的桨,去追逐哪怕是一星微小的火光。

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