A common theme in much of their work was the adverse effects of high unemployment and low utilization of the capital stock on investment and, therefore , on productivity growth.
我是这样翻译的:他们工作中的一个共同主题就是在投资和生产力增长过程中股本的高闲置率和低利用率两者之间的相反作用。 |
A common topic was the difficulties of courtship.
这些歌曲当中,一个常见的主题便是求爱的艰难。 |
A common tradition says that during a leap year , a woman can propose marriage , and it's bad luck for a man to turn down such an offer .
此外,外统上,人们普遍认为,在闫年里女人可以向男人求婚,如果男人拒绝女人,那对他是不吉利的。 |
A common understanding of high-efficacy and it's processing technology is reached in 2000 National High-efficacy Comber Processing Technology Interchange Conference.
“2000年全国高效能精梳机工艺技术交流研讨会”就高效能精梳机及其配套工艺技术达成了共识。 |
A common view of traditional life, particularly organized religion, as primitive and nonsensical.
一般对传统生活的看法,特别是有组织的宗教,通常被视为原始和荒谬的。 |
A commonly used native turfgrass, which is easily confused with Carpet Grass, as the two are very similar in their morphology and habitat and found intermixed with each other in athletic/amenity fields and also in the wild.
本港常用之原生的草地用草,易和地毯草混淆,因两者不但外形相似,而其生长环境亦差不多,又经常混杂生长在一些康体及文娱的场地及野外草地上。 |
A commonplace remark or notion; a platitude.
陈词滥调陈腐庸俗的话或想法;陈词滥调 |
A communal toilet of a type often used in a camp or barracks.
公共厕所通常用在帐篷或营房里的一种公共厕所 |
A community centre with park, swimming pools and cinemas was proposed at Kwai Chung.
学生构思为葵涌兴建一个社区中心,包括公园、泳池和戏院,让青少年有玩乐的地方。 |
A community college student earns an associate degree after 2 years of general study.
社区学院的学生在经过2年普通学习之后获取副学士学位。 |
A community garden project in Harlem to increase inner-city youngsters' access to healthful food and safe recreation.
哈勒姆社区花园项目:增加市中心孩子们获得健康饮食和安全娱乐的途径。 |