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Permeability - Percentage of particles passing through the mesh.

Permanent surveying markers as referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article include wooden or steel signals and stone markers established at triangulation points, baseline points, traverse points, military control points, gravimetric points, astronomic poin 第一款所称永久性测量标志,是指各等级的三角点、基线点、导线点、军用控制点、重力点、天文点、水准点的木质觇标、钢质觇标和标石标志,以及用于地形测图、工程测量和形变测量的固定标志和海底大地点设施等。
Permanent thinking about possible chances would only make you heavy-legged! 过重的思想包袱只会拖后腿!
Permanent to reach craft gift firm specialize in the operation of Christmas gift , He Nian professional firm of ornaments, there is experience that has sold Christmas , special purchases for the New Year for many years, it is our principle that dose keeps 恒达工艺礼品商行是专业经营圣诞礼品、贺年饰品的专业商行,拥有多年经销圣诞、年货的经验,格守信用是我们的原则,让顾客满意是我们最大的追求,力争最好是我们的理想。
Permanently frozen subsoil, occurring throughout the Polar Regions and locally in perennially frigid areas. 永冻土永久冰冻的下层土壤,出现在整个北极地区和部分长期寒冷的地区
Permanently sealed and lubricated ball bearings front and rear. 前后端盖装有永久密封和自润滑的滚珠轴承。
Permeability - Percentage of particles passing through the mesh. 渗透性-粒子通过网格的百分比。
Permeation experiment showed that permeation solvent greatly influenced the permeation result. 渗透实验结果表明渗透时所用溶剂对渗透结果有重要影响。
Permi io i granted to copy and distribute modified versio of thi document under the conditio for verbatim copying, rovided that thi copyright otice i included exactly a i the original, and that the entire resulting derived work i distributed under the ter 在保留原始版权信息的条件下,允许复制和传播本文档修改后的版本;在本许可内容不变的条件下,允许传播所有依据本文档推导出的结果。
Permi ion is granted to copy and distribute modified versio of this manual under the conditio for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permi ion notice identical to this one. 只要整个最终派生工作按照与本手册相同的许可声明发行,您就被授权按照与发行原文相同的条件复制和发行本手册的修改版本。
Permi ion is granted to copy and distribute tra latio of this manual into another language, under the above conditio for modified versio , except that this permi ion notice may be stated in a tra lation a roved by the Free Software Foundation. 除了本许可声明应该使用由基金会批准的译文之外,您被授权按照与上述修改版本相同的条件复制和发行本手册的其它语言的译文。
Permi ion is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permi ion notice are preserved on all copies. 只要版权声明和本许可声明保留在所有副本中,您就被授权制作和发行本手册的原文副本。

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