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I didn't think much of the painting.

I didn't take to her husband at all. 我对她丈夫毫无好感.
I didn't tell her because I was afraid of upsetting her. 我没有告诉她,因为我怕搞得她七荤八素。
I didn't tell him because I was afraid of upsetting him. 6我没告诉他是因为怕惹他心烦.
I didn't think a middle-aged doctor would be a student of Crazy English. 我想一个中年的医生不可能是疯狂英语的学生。
I didn't think her performance was up to par. 我认为她表现得不及平时.
I didn't think much of the painting. 我觉得这幅画并不高明。
I didn't think of those missions, I didn't design those instruments, I didn't calibrate them. 他说道,「我参与了航行者号的工作,也参与了麦哲伦号的工作。
I didn't think that I could eer trust happiness. Then I met you. Happy alenti ne's Day, Dear. 我一直不相信有真正的“幸福”,直到不久以后,我邂逅了你。亲爱的,情人节快乐。
I didn't think the producers would believe I could play the role of Hamlet. 我没有想到电影制片人会相信我能扮演哈姆莱特这一角色。
I didn't think until much later that there might have been microscopic evidence in the fiberglass. 直到后来我才认为也许在玻璃纤维中有细微证据。
I didn't think you were the agitated type. 我没想到你是那种容易激动的类型。

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