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Minimal deviation endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the cervix-a case report and review;

Analysis on compatibility of distribution patterns of Cephalotaxus in Yu nnan shows that the comparison and analysis of constituent abundance has the adv antages of compact analysis, simple calculation and obvious results. 根据对三尖杉属(Cephalotaxus)在云南的分布格局间的亲和性分析,表明组分多度比较分析具有了分析严密、计算简单和结果直观等优点。
The main chemical components and pharmacological activities of Chinese caterpillar fungus were reported. 根据国内有关冬虫夏草的研究报道对冬虫夏草的化学成分、药理功能、北冬虫夏草保健酱油的研制以及北冬虫夏草饮料的研制进行了总结归纳。
To treat various sport injury by acupuncture,selection of points is of the first importance. 根据近几年来的临床实践,结合典型病例,阐述运动损伤针刺疗法的选穴方法,注重伤部归经,循经取穴,远近搭配,且按穴位性能,选用一些特定穴,从而拟定治疗方案。
Pollution survey and health risk of BTEX in indoor air of public places; 公共场所BTEX的污染特征、源解析及健康风险
Screening for cervical cancer-related genes and their bioinformatics analysis; 宫颈癌相关基因的筛选及生物信息学分析
Minimal deviation endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the cervix-a case report and review; 宫颈宫内膜样型微小偏离性腺癌报道及文献复习
Preparation and Quality Control of Gongjinkang Effervescent Tablets; 宫颈康泡腾片的制备及质量控制
Relationship between apoptosis and clinical biological behavior of squamous cervical carcinoma; 宫颈鳞癌组织中细胞凋亡的表达与临床生物学行为的关系
The research progresses of functional fresh taste medicinal preparation; 功能性鲜味剂的最新研究进展
Advance in Immunodiagnostic Technology of Toxoplasmosis; 弓形虫病免疫学诊断方法研究进展
Advance in Immunodiagnostic Technology of Toxoplasmosis; 弓形虫病免疫学诊断方法研究进展

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