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USAGE: Apply the cream to the jowl , massage gently till to be absorbed completely after shaving.

USAGE: After cleaning in day time, apply it to the face and neck evenly. And also use it as the basic cream before make up. 用法:日间洁肤爽肤后,均匀使用于面颈部,也可作妆前基础霜使用。
USAGE: Apply proper amount to massage the body after bath. It will get better result after removing the cutin. 用法:沐浴后或需要时,取适量轻柔按摩身体肌肤即可。祛角质后使用效果尤佳。
USAGE: Apply proper amount to the bath tub, add water in and foam up, soak in about 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse off. 用法:将适量本品倒入浴缸加入水,稍加搅拌浸泡全身20-30分钟后,清水冲洗干净即可。
USAGE: Apply proper amount to the hands, massage and let hands fully. 用法:取适量涂抹于手部按摩至吸收即可,任何时间皆可使用。
USAGE: Apply proper amount to the wet hair, wash it after massage. 用法:洗完发后,取适量于湿发上,稍做按摩后洗净。
USAGE: Apply the cream to the jowl , massage gently till to be absorbed completely after shaving. 用法:每次剃须后,将本品均匀的涂在下鄂,轻微按摩至完全吸收即可。
USAGE: Apply to hair or body and rub it till rich foams come up, and then rinse off. 使用方法:沐浴时将沐浴露倒在头发上揉搓和在身上涂抹会产生丰富泡沫,再用清水冲掉即可。
USAGE: Clean the face ,then open the paster,and stick it onto the face, and keep contact tightly after 20 minutes , disclose the paster ,massage the remainder of the extract to be absorbed completely. 使用方法:清洁脸部后,打开贴膜,贴在脸上,让贴膜与皮肤紧密接触,20分锺后,将贴膜揭起,不须将残留精华液洗去或拭去,直接按摩至完全吸收。
USAGE: Get 8g into the warm water, soak the foot in. The foot with strong bad smells can add more in, it will get better result with stronger solution. 用方:取本品8克,加温水适量,浸泡搓洗双足即可,脚部异味较大者适当加大用量,提高浴足液浓度可获得更佳效果。
USAGE: Let body wet with warm water, put proper amount to the body, loop and wipe for cleaning. It can be used with the essential oil too. 用法:温水湿润身体,取适量本品环绕打圈擦拭于身体后洗净,也可配合相应的单方精油使用。
USAGE: Let whole body full warm and wet by warm water, apply it to the bath sponge, massage about 15 minutes,then wash it by water. 用法:先用温热水使身体充分温暖湿润,取适量本品置于沐浴棉上,轻轻按摩全身约15分钟左右后用水冲洗干净即可。

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