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The results show that compared to Salix psammophila barrier, ecomat cover does decrease surface sand transportation rate (SSTR), increase surface soil nutrient, and enhance growth of Platycladus orientalia to the extent, undoubtedly ecomat is one of surfa

The results show that amorphous carbon films have high etching resistance against oxygen plasma, and etch rates of the films correlated not only with etching processing parameters, also with deposition conditions. 结果表明非晶碳膜对于氧离子体具有高的抗刻蚀性,其刻蚀率不仅与刻蚀的过程参量有关,而且决定于膜的沉积条件。
The results show that an eddy surrounding the main stream of the multiple jets exists and forms several strong shear flows and enhances the effect of energy dissipation. 研究结果表明:多股多层淹没射流利用在射流轴线周围所形成的强剪切、三维立体漩滚的剧烈混掺来实现消能,消能率较高,且在平面上没有形成明显的、贯穿的立轴漩涡。
The results show that applying EST to measurement profile error of any line with error separation technique is reliable. 仿真结果表明误差分离技术应用于线轮廓度误差测量是可靠的,这为数控加工中进行在线测量进而补偿加工提供了基础。
The results show that before the summer monsoon onset, the air-sea heat exchange near Xisha area is weak, the vapor flux is small and the main trend is that the ocean is being heated; while after its onset, the air-sea heat exchange is balanced roughly. 结果表明:季风爆发前,西沙海气界面热量交换较弱,水汽通量较小,以海洋获得热量为主;季风爆发后,海气界面热量交换接近平衡。
The results show that columnar center zone was observed in the tri-mixed gas arc shape. 结果表明,三元混合气体的电弧形态中可观察到柱状中心区。
The results show that compared to Salix psammophila barrier, ecomat cover does decrease surface sand transportation rate (SSTR), increase surface soil nutrient, and enhance growth of Platycladus orientalia to the extent, undoubtedly ecomat is one of surfa 研究结果表明,与沙柳沙障相比,生态垫确实可以降低近地表的输沙率,提高生态垫下土壤的养分含量,一定程度上提高柠条的地径和高度,可见生态垫是一种很好的促进流沙固定和植被恢复的地表覆盖材料;与其它两种生态垫铺设方式(品字状和带状)相比,全铺可以显著降低近地表的输沙率,提高其下土壤的养分含量,但柠条的生长状况却略差,这可能与全铺降低了小雨入渗的可能性有关;就两种部分铺设的方式而言,无论从降低近地表的输沙率还是促进柠条的生长土来看,品字状都明显优于带状。
The results show that different mechanisms exist in above two systems. 结果表明两种体系中协同效应机理不同。
The results show that differential game can be transferred to the matrix form of the game, and players' equilibrium strategies can be solved simply through system dynamics simulation. 结果表明,通过系统动力学模拟可将微分博弈转化为博弈的矩阵形式,进而方便地求出局中人均衡策略。
The results show that discrepancies are closely connected to doctors mistakes on prescriptions and pharmacists lax attitude toward inspecting the prescriptions for mistakes. 结果表明,发生差错的原因与医生的处方错误、药师的把关不严及审方不够细心密切相关。
The results show that discretionary corporate social responsibility positively influences on the learning commitment and shared vision, which further influence on organizational performance. 本研究透过实证结果发现,自发性企业社会责任会透过组织学习之学习承诺与共享愿景所扮演中介变数,正向影响组织的主观绩效与客观绩效。
The results show that distinct benchdistribution rule takes on for the subsidence and distortion of bench-shape slope surface; the movement range of bench-shape slope surface is smaller but its distortion is larger than those of flat surface and concentra 结果表明:露天煤矿台阶状边坡体的采动沉陷规律表现出很明显的“台阶”分布特点;台阶状边坡地表的移动范围比平地地表要小,但变形却更剧烈,且在各台阶平面处形成变形集中;台阶状边坡地表的水平变形仍然呈现出采空区中间受压,两端受拉的特点;台阶状边坡在地下开采扰动下的稳定性应考虑采空区的时空效应。

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