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The German military in World War 2 achieved most of its great victories with the Blitzkrieg tactic.

The German government began moving its capital from Bonn to Berlin on Saturday. 德国政府顶礼拜六开始﹐首都位磅徙去柏赁。
The German government is no smarter, just less blatant: it has been twisting arms at Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank to do their patriotic duty and step in, at least for a while. 德国政府也不精明,但更低调:德政府一直在迫使德国商业银行和德意志银行尽其爱国之义务,介入交易,哪怕是暂时的。
The German government said it had started deploying police helicopters equipped with infrared cameras to catch graffiti artists at night despite criticism they are grossly over-reacting. 德国政府说,它已开始部署配备有红外线摄影机的警用直升机在晚上抓涂鸦艺术家,尽管有人批评这太过小题大作。
The German had an appalling race after admitting he had made the wrong choice in opting for Bridgestone's hard-compound tyre. 在承认自己做出了错误的选择挑选了普利司通的硬质轮胎之后,德国人有了一场惊骇的比赛。
The German industrial conglomerate said in mid-December that its investigations had found $555m in suspicious payments. 这家德国企业在去年12月中旬表示,该公司在调查中发现了约5.55亿美元的可疑付款。
The German military in World War 2 achieved most of its great victories with the Blitzkrieg tactic. 德国在第二次世界大战期间大部分伟大的军事成就都离不开闪电战策略的功劳。
The German military, bound by severe post-war limitations, was practically forced to develop the most efficient new tactics, which naturally involved using tanks and aircraft for mobile ground warfare. 德国的军事由于受战后条约的严格限制,被迫去发展最有效的新战术,在这过程中自然而然的牵涉到了运用坦克和飞机来进行机动作战。
The German police chief, Manfried Shreiber and Ahmed Touni, the head of the Egyptian Olympic team, negotiated with the terrorists. 5日晚10点,“黑九月”分子押带人质乘坐两架直升机抵达机场,已等候多时的西德警方指挥官下令狙击手开火。
The German press have reported that coming into such a strong squad of players, Ballack has requested guarantees of a place in the starting eleven. This he refutes. “我对他在多个场合下谈及去英格兰踢球的问题,而他十分支持这样的转会,因为他自己曾在热刺踢球,在那里他很受欢迎。他今早打电话给我表示祝贺,称他乐见这次我面临的新挑战。”
The German quickly developed an instrument which picked up the radar signal and gave the U-boat warning. 德国人很快造出了一种能测知雷达信号并向潜艇发出警报的仪器。
The German retailer Metro, for example, keeps costs down by sourcing 95 percent of the products for its Metro China shops from domestic suppliers. 例如,德国零售商麦德龙在中国的大卖场通过向中国供应商采购95%的产品,保持了低廉的成本。

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