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There's a spy in our company, we need to rat him out .

There's a single line you can add to your web host's control panel that will automatically archive your content. 有一句话你可以补充你网站所在的控制面板,你将自动档案内容.
There's a smarter way to handle taxpayer dollars, and it begins with granting the President a tool called the line-item veto. 现在有一个更明智的方法来使用纳税人的钱,而它需要法律赋予总统一个被称为部分否决的工具。
There's a special enclosure where you can look at the horses before the race starts. 这里有一处特备的围场,在比赛前你可以先看看马。
There's a special thrill in writing to a pen pal who lives far away. 给远方的笔友写信一定是一件特别令人激动的事。
There's a species of earthworm in the forests of southern Germany where some individuals are known to live as long as 20 years! 在德国南部的森林里有一种蚯蚓,据悉其中有些(蚯蚓的)寿命长达20年!
There's a spy in our company, we need to rat him out . 我们公司有个内奸,我们必须把他揪出来。
There's a square depression in the center of the tombstone. 在墓碑石的中间有一个正方形的凹陷。
There's a stink of cats in here. 这里有个猫的难闻气味。
There's a storm coming so let's batten down the hatches. 暴风雨即将来了,我们来钉上门口压条吧。
There's a story afloat that he'll resign. 有个传闻说他要辞职.
There's a strain of madness in the family. 那一家人都有点疯疯颠颠的.

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