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All the departments of the government must always act constitutionally.

All the decisions were left to our discretion. 所有的决定都由我们自行判断做出。
All the decisions, which result in a change in life direction, are made in a state of silence and stillness. 一切的决定,产生改变生命方向的效应,都是在寂静的状态中而完成的。
All the deeply affected audience still stayed behind even though Yanzi's wonderful concert has finished. (虽然燕姿精彩的演唱会结束了,但所有深受感动的观众都留在原地不肯离去。)
All the defendants tried in the Zhuhai Intermediate Court were Chinese and were charged with organizing prostitution. 在珠海中级法院受审的被告人全是中国人,他们被控组织卖淫。
All the delegates sat down and discussed in a democratic way. as it was the age of democracy. 于是每家委派了一名成员作为代表参加会议,以得出最好的规定。
All the departments of the government must always act constitutionally. 政府各部门都必须始终按宪法办事。
All the desks and chairs in the newly-built school can be adjusted to fit the height of any child. 这所新建的学校里所有的桌子和椅子都能根据每个孩子的身高进行调节。
All the dialysate fluids were clear after treatment. 处理后腹膜透析液均变为清彻。
All the digital slides I was going to use for the demo are stored on it. 我做展示要用的数字幻灯片全都存在那上头。
All the dishes are cooked finely with their own features, and the prices are reasonable. 菜肴制作精美,品质优良,富有特色,且价格公道,物有所值。
All the dishes have been frozen up. 所有的菜都已经冻结了。

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