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“I am an anything,” the voice said with dignity.

“I am a dead man and buggered to boot. “我是一个已死的人,一个与靴子玩鸡奸游戏的人。”
“I am a happy-go-lucky person, I forget about unhappiness soon enough and laugh out loud when I am happy. There are things we need to learn to forget. “我这个人比较大情大性,不开心的事很快就忘掉,开心时却会尽情的笑,有些事是要学习忘记的。”
“I am afraid that my teacher cannot understand them, so I will not use them in my composition,” said Li. 中国词典学会理事长周明鉴(音译)在官方新华社的一篇报道中说,网络用语不能当成正式的用语,学生们不要使用,因为一旦习惯了,将难以改掉。
“I am afraid that too much of my contribution will go toward paying for operating, administrative, and fundraising costs instead of programs. 「恐怕大部分的捐献都会拿去支付营运、行政管理及募款的费用,而非用在各项计划上。」
“I am an Arsenal player and I am contracted until 2009,” continued the South American. “The club will have the last word on this issue. “直到2009年我合同到期之前我都是一名阿森纳球员,”吉尔伯托继续说。“在这个转会问题上俱乐部将拥有最后决定权。”
“I am an anything,” the voice said with dignity. 我是一个什么“声音里带着尊严。
“I am busy! You are clever, why you bethink of asking me to accompany you?” The man said in inadvertence. “忙呢!乖,怎么今天想到要我陪了?”男人漫不经心的问!
“I am getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?”said the man. “我又老又伤心,玩不动了。”男孩说。“我想要一条船,可以带我远离这里。你可以给我一条船吗?”
“I am glad the Amway China Education Aid Programme allowed me to achieve my childhood dream of teaching in rural villages. 「人生有梦想才会快乐,我很高兴支教计划实践了我自小希望到山区教书的梦想。」
“I am happy I scored, but I am also pleased with the team's performance – we played well and we earned three very important points,” he said after the game. “我很开心进球,但是我也对球队的表现感到高兴——我们踢得不错,拿到了重要的3分,”他赛后说。
“I am hidden in your heart, O Flower. “我藏在你心里啊,花朵。”

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