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If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away.

If your radiation badge turns red, you had better go to the hospital. 如果辐射标识牌上的红灯亮你最好去医院了。
If your request can't be accommodated for any reason, we will try to get back to you about it as soon as we find out. 如果因为某些理由而无法提供协助,我们也会尽快回覆给你我们所得到的结果。
If your resolution is to start running every morning then give yourself a hand: the night before your run, lay out those running clothes beside your bed. 如果你下的决心是每天早晨开始去慢跑,那就帮自己一个忙吧:在你去跑步的前一晚,把跑步服装摆放在你的床边。
If your respect for magnificent binding or typography gets in the way, buy yourself a cheap edition and pay your respects to the author. 如果你对华美的装帧和印刷的尊重妨碍你读书的话,就给自己买一种便宜的版本,同时对书的作者表达敬意就可以了。
If your riches were yours, why do not take them with you to the other world? 假如你的财产是你的东西,为什么不带着它们到黄泉去?
If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. 29若是你的右眼叫你跌倒,就剜出来丢掉。
If your right hand is busy greeting someone, it can not be holding a weapon. 13如果你的右手忙着会见客人,它就不可能拿着武器。
If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same material under section 10. 您只有在授权被版权所有者恢复了之后才有资格依据第10节的条款获取该材料的新的授权。
If your scene missed the external maps,you can clean them with just one keystroke. 若你的场景丢失了贴图,你可以仅用一个键就可以把它们清楚掉。
If your school or any session of your school has not been given a login name, please call 3628 8177 for technical support. 如贵校或贵校任何授课时段仍未有用户名称,请联络技术支援组,电话36288177。
If your screwdriver is too big, I'm sure this one will do the trick. 如果那把起子太大,我确信这把一定可以。

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